My landlady came across my boyfriend's 'active' Tinder profile...LONG


Well-Known Member
I was offered a job October last year in a small town where I knew no-one. I decided to rent in a house-share until I knew more about the town.

One of my housemates is also my landlady. Let’s call her N. Nice as pie. White. A true romantic but has been unlucky in love. She only dates black, which is a hard ask in a small english town. Her ex-hubby is currently in jail - fathered a child with another girl whilst married to her. Her relationship prior to that ended after the guy made his side-chick pregnant and decided to set up two homes. She met someone on PoF last year and they’d been going steady for a while. They argue a lot and it always ends with - “I know you’re still on PoF”, “You have recently logged in, etc”. She spills and shares all her anxieties with me.

Fast forward…

I met a lovely guy on Tinder in December and we got on like a house on fire. I wasn’t looking for anything serious at the time but fell for his charm. He is a perfect gentleman, Cambridge-educated and lectures at one of the top universities in the country. Also white. I didn’t want to put a label on our relationship as it was early days, but he introduced to a lot of his friends and work colleagues and wanted me around him at socials which attracted the label of girlfriend pretty quickly.

He is romantic, generous, considerate, emails and messages me throughout the day even though he knows I can’t respond whilst at work. He is aways complimenting me, telling his friends how lucky he is to have met me, in an embarrassing, public way.

Anyway, I had gone off Tinder some time back after coming across too many pics of people I knew and feeling awkward about it. Deleted the app and sent Tinder a data deletion request. I was therefore oblivious to his online dating presence. Two weeks ago, the subject of Tinder presence came up and I said if we were to go exclusive, we’d both need to mutually agree to terminating our online dating profiles; he said he’d be rid of his and would just say goodbye to the people he was matched to that he’d invested time in. He felt it was only fair to do so.


My landlady N confronts me in the kitchen and says she came across his Tinder dating profile? She said, she came across it at the weekend and it showed he’d last been active 5 days before then. I explained we had recently formally talked about our relationship, decided to go exclusive and he had deleted his app. However, the ‘active 5 days ago’ angle left a sour taste in my mouth.

I asked him about it by text. I was too shaken to call:

TEXT: Tuesday…evidently the default girls night in. Just enjoyed a tipple with N and K…relaxing (to begin with). K has had her mortgage approved. Congrats to her. Incidentally, you came up as a talking point. N had come across your Tinder profile a ‘couple’ of days ago as a potential match in ‘her area’. She gingerly asked if ‘everything was okay’. Awkward splutter of ‘yeah, all going great’ from me. “Oh, but his profile showed that he’s recently been active online” - “Do you trust him?” “Have you guys talked about online dating profiles” “Just don’t want you to get your heart broken”, et cetera. *Le sigh*. I’m flummoxed. Are you struggling to let go? Are you really that into this? I’m just feel a bit silly, is all, x

His response was one of surprise. He said he deleted the app when we’d talked about it. Had told his matches on there he’d met someone. I know Tinder is odorous for not cancelling your account on request, so I do believe him. But I also know that sometimes over-trusting, especially v. early in a relationship can set you up for a fall.

He was really remorseful and upset that the whole thing would change the way I regarded him, might shift the trust balance in our relationship. The whole thing led to a long, really emotional phone call and I was a weepy mess at the end of all of it.

I’m normally super-confident and self-assured. I don’t know whether this is a normal reaction or whether my landlady N’s personal relationship anxieties are beginning to rub off on me and I’ve been overly emotional about things. We have gotten serious super-quick. She has said the way we get on made her a tad jealous. She kept telling me its too good to be true. Part of me remains confident, the other has niggling doubts.

How would you ladies have dealt with this?

Have you that met your DH/SO online had anything remotely similar happen?
I mean you asked him what the deal was and he told you. Unless he's given you reason to distrust him believe him.
Hmmm if this was agreed upon 2 weeks ago and he deleted the app, why was he on there recently? His answer doesn't make sense. :perplexed

Your housemate doesn't sound nice as pie to me. Sounds like she's trying to plant doubt in you, although your BF is doing a good job to help her cause.
Sorry but I have seen this happen too often. Don't let the Cambridge educated mild manners fool uou - why is he still on there when you agreed to come off it. I would continue to date him but scrap the exclusivity as he is struggling to let go then make sure he knew I was dating other people. Men are competitive by nature he will come off it of his own accord if he thinks he will lose you but I def don't think its cool he lied about it when you asked.
Why is the roommate all up in your business like that?

I frankly don't know. She's very open about her relationship issues but because of this I've been very guarded about my relationship in general because I don't want her extensive circles knowing my ins and outs.

When she asks how things are going I just say okay... Then she spills her guys about how hers are going all wrong.

I almost feel like this was her way of 'rubbing it in my face' coz she revealed this in front of my other housemate and a visiting friend.
I would be inclined to forgive him. I mean, you did just recently meet. These apps can be tricky. Sometimes your PHONE has you signing into things that you don't know you're in, etc... WORST case scenario: He lied and he did NOT delete it and he actually DID go on there. SO? You did just recently meet! Give the relationship time to grow and flourish. That lockdown will come in its own time.

Roomie is a lil jealous so you can thank her for looking out for you but she needs to know in the nicest way possible that you don't need her all in your ****. Sounds like she has her own hands full.

Keep a watchful eye on dude. He's a MAN, after all and men are like this. No need to abandon ship just yet.
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Sorry but I have seen this happen too often. Don't let the Cambridge educated mild manners fool uou - why is he still on there when you agreed to come off it. I would continue to date him but scrap the exclusivity as he is struggling to let go then make sure he knew I was dating other people. Men are competitive by nature he will come off it of his own accord if he thinks he will lose you but I def don't think its cool he lied about it when you asked.

I know what you mean. That's why I think I've reacted so emotionally - because I don't want to be 'had'.

When I sent the text I got a missed call from him then a flood of texts immediately after trying to set the record straight. Explaining how he just never got round to deleting it before. How it requires you to log in in order to action the delete request, hence why it showed he'd recently been logged in - necessary evil to deactivate.

He said he'd deleted the app but hadn't realised the app remains open unless you email Tinder directly. He forwarded me web complaints about Tinder retaining your profile information and continuing to use it unless you email them directly. He has emailed them requesting full info deletion etc. All very melodramatic, this.

He has been really sorry! I feel a bit silly about having reacted so emotionally. But on the other hand felt that he knew he'd been naughty by remaining on for longer than he should and he's just sorry he's been caught :-/

It's valentines this Friday. We have a date night. I feel it's going to be tres awkward. He keeps texting me to say how he doesn't want this to make me take a step back and slow things down. He really wants things to work out as he know he's punching well above his weight.

I feel like I'm damned if I believe him and damned if I don't.

If your relationship is still fairly new, then I would say relax and give yourself time to observe him.

I don't know about you, but for me personally, I don't really consider the first 3 months of early dating as something to take too seriously. I also don't agree to become exclusive until about 3 months has passed.

My automatic assumption with online dating and even RL is that most single people are multi-dating at some point. I observe over time the progressive quality and strength of the man's behavior/actions towards me and any break in patterns that may happen.

I think you should look at the time he spends with you F2F and also via e-chats, etc. If as the longer you get to know each other, the time is increasing, then I would say you shouldn't worry too much.

As for your housemate, stop listening to her. She already admitted to being slightly jealous envious. Looking at her race and relationship history, she's not someone I would listen to.

There is no 100% guarantee when dealing with someone in relationship, but you also have to make sure you are not letting your own issues (if you have any) get in the way.
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SequinsAndAbsinthe said:
I know what you mean. That's why I think I've reacted so emotionally - because I don't want to be 'had'.

When I sent the text I got a missed call from him then a flood of texts immediately after trying to set the record straight. Explaining how he just never got round to deleting it before. How it requires you to log in in order to action the delete request, hence why it showed he'd recently been logged in - necessary evil to deactivate.

He said he'd deleted the app but hadn't realised the app remains open unless you email Tinder directly. He forwarded me web complaints about Tinder retaining your profile information and continuing to use it unless you email them directly. He has emailed them requesting full info deletion etc. All very melodramatic, this.

He has been really sorry! I feel a bit silly about having reacted so emotionally. But on the other hand felt that he knew he'd been naughty by remaining on for longer than he should and he's just sorry he's been caught :-/

It's valentines this Friday. We have a date night. I feel it's going to be tres awkward. He keeps texting me to say how he doesn't want this to make me take a step back and slow things down. He really wants things to work out as he know he's punching well above his weight.

I feel like I'm damned if I believe him and damned if I don't.

I hear you - I imagine its very hard but unless its a deal breaker for you that he lied I would say you don't have to believe him to carry on dating him just be careful. I would just slow down and be careful with him and let him know if he wants to date other people and not be exclusive that is fine as I am also happy to do the same but he has to be honest with you. I don't really believe his excuses but you know him best - just keep your eyes open and slow down, don't move too soon you seem like a very sweet genuine and caring person and some men unfortunately can take advantage of that. On the other hand it's relatively early days so I would give him a warning and leave it at that no point blowing it up but of course it hurts when you think you have so,etching genuine with someone and you are on the same page and then find out they aren't necessarily being real with you.
I would be in my ps and qs regarding his actions. Who knows if he's telling the truth, your house mate's motive seems more malicious than genuine and this whole scenario is obviously bothering you.
i would take a step back from both of them and watch cautiously. cards to your chest, hon - the strongest card is the one you havent played yet.
I say continue dating him. Just be sure not to forget this piece of data. The benefit of the doubt must be EARNED and not given away.

If it were me, I'd create a fake profile to monitor.
Thanks a lot guys. Great advice...

And now that things have had time to simmer, I am reassured the whole episode has given us both a chance to re-examine where we're going with our relationship.

One drawn-out, candid phone call later we have mulled over our relationship values and are both clear on what we expect of each other.

Watch this space, and thanks again for being so supportive and considerate in your advice.
I don't like liars. Especially as a LTR, or marriage prospect. I'd rather a man say they were not ready to turn it off, or be totally exclusive yet than pretend otherwise.

However, this is just my personal thing. I always go for honest to a fault (don't ask unless you are prepared for possible stinging eyes) type guys:lol:. Right from the beginning. I don't believe people switch off lying tendencies after time lol. If in this situation then I would feel I wouldn't know later in the relationship if he's telling the truth about certain things, or not which is a no, no for me.

If his story checks out to you, it checks out. I don't know much about Tinder app, or how you log into it.
I have always followed the advice my late father gave me; any & every man will lie. Only the reason will change. If you let him get away with lying to you once,he will do it again.

It's all about what youwill accept and that's one of the things I don't........don't care if it's petty lying.

I cut them out of my life that second, no whining, excuses, let me explain........nah I'm done and moving on. I've found that having this attitude has kept my relationships with men pretty drama free.

My atitude is I'm just waiting & watching for you to fk up, even if I love you, so prove me wrong. Just not the forgiving second chance type.
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I frankly don't know. She's very open about her relationship issues but because of this I've been very guarded about my relationship in general because I don't want her extensive circles knowing my ins and outs.

When she asks how things are going I just say okay... Then she spills her guys about how hers are going all wrong.

I almost feel like this was her way of 'rubbing it in my face' coz she revealed this in front of my other housemate and a visiting friend.

Re: the bold above, be very wary of N. That was foul and completely uncalled for. You two live together so she had every opportunity in the world to give you that information in private. She's clearly envious of your budding relationship because she's unlucky in love. Not saying she's a bad person or anything but that was shaaaaaady.

You have quite a way with words - I adore the way you write. I read the entire post in a lovely, English accent.:lol:
We have gotten serious super-quick. She has said the way we get on made her a tad jealous. She kept telling me its too good to be true. Part of me remains confident, the other has niggling doubts.
I would have given her 30 days notice the same night she told me.
Don't ever socialize with jealous people. They can never be happy for you. Their wrath is cruel and intense. If you are blessed enough to have them admit it, take them at their word and R-U-N!
I almost feel like this was her way of 'rubbing it in my face' coz she revealed this in front of my other housemate and a visiting friend.
Believe she enjoyed that.