Question My job is going to block this


Active Member
So my job (I teach at a high school) has decided to block everything from Blogger to gmail to LHCF :sad:. No health blogs, hair blogs, forum websites. I'm so used to going online on my downtime (during the students lunch and nutrition and during my prep period). Does anyone know of a way around this?

I've already subscribed to the feeds of my fave blogs so I'll still be able to see them... I use "https://" instead of "http://" for facebook, so I was hoping there was a way around the block for LHCF too. Thanks.
Do you have an Iphone or any other type of Smart Phone? Because I always check this site through the LHCF free APP and I also read all of my blogs through Google Reader
I have a blackberry tour. I can already come to LHCF on my phone, but it's not the same since I don't have an app. **off to go look for one** .... Thanks!!
Thanks to all of y'all... They've changed their minds and allowed the teachers to have the override password for now, so I'm good. We'll see if they change their minds again by tomorrow. lol