my hair wont grow at the front


New Member
i have followed all the regimes and took vitamins, changed my diet and done basically all i can do.... my hair has grown so much :) but at the front of my hair is simply not growing :( or if it is, its much slower than the back and middle and sides of my hair. it looks terrible as it is not in proportion.i dont want to cut off my hair and start again, and its hard to style it without the essential hair front. i have gabs at front so i cant wear it back. can any one save me from this dilemma.
Mine too...or so I thought.
While the front of my hair definately grows slower, I found that when I stopped wearing my hair in ponytails EVERY day, my cheek length hair at the front started to do so much better.
I still have a long ways to go seeing as the front is only at APL now (you can see in my siggy some of those hairs I try to "blend in" making an appearence), but I would definately advise against cutting all your hair unless it's damaged.

I wish I could give you more advice...:perplexed
eve777 said:
i have followed all the regimes and took vitamins, changed my diet and done basically all i can do.... my hair has grown so much :) but at the front of my hair is simply not growing :( or if it is, its much slower than the back and middle and sides of my hair. it looks terrible as it is not in proportion.i dont want to cut off my hair and start again, and its hard to style it without the essential hair front. i have gabs at front so i cant wear it back. can any one save me from this dilemma.

Have you tried Boundless Tresses yet?
Have you tried Vitamin E oil rubbed directly on that part of your hair every night? Have you stopped relaxing (if you are relaxing at all) the front of your hair (at least the front)? Have you used Boundless Tresses Growth aid? Have you trimmed the ends of your hair including the afflicted area? Do you drink lots of water and incorporate protein (shakes, drinks) in your diet? Do you work out regularly? Have you stopped combing, brushing, braiding (if you do these things) that area? Do you use stimulating shampoos and conditioners and incorporate scalp massages (leaning upside down) into your routine?

All of these things have helped me to grow my hair out. It's not super long (collar bone length) but it's thick, longer than before and healthy. I hope some of these things help you. I know it's no fun to have a patch of hair that won't catch up with the rest.
It could be the way you wear it. When I was relaxed the back of my hair NEVER grew. Well of course it grew but it was just breaking off because I wrapped it and tied my headscarf there and I wore it up alot all the time and I think the stylist was a little overzealous when it came to combing through the relaxer there. Now I'm natural, I never wrap and I never wear my hair up and my kitchen is the longest I've ever seen it, IN MY LIFE. Look at my avy pic, I'd never have got that ponytail a year ago with all the 100% relaxed bone straight hair in it without clips or some gel. I did that on my natural hair that I roughly blowdried out with the pik attachment! (thats the first and last time that's gonna happen!)

You should try low/no manipulation at the front, maybe braidouts or half a head of canerows witht he rest out or back if that suits you. When it breaks because of stress on the strand you wont notice it. I never EVER did, it didn't look weak or broken off but it was because of all the tension and stress on that area.
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dimpalz said:
It could be the way you wear it. When I was relaxed the back of my hair NEVER grew. Well of course it grew but it was just breaking off because I wrapped it and tied my headscarf there and I wore it up alot all the time and I think the stylist was a little overzealous when it came to combing through the relaxer there. Now I'm natural, I never wrap and I never wear my hair up and my kitchen is the longest I've ever seen it, IN MY LIFE. Look at my avy pic, I'd never have got that ponytail a year ago with all the 100% relaxed bone straight hair in it without clips or some gel. I did that on my natural hair that I roughly blowdried out with the pik attachment! (thats the first and last time that's gonna happen!)

You should try low/no manipulation at the front, maybe braidouts or half a head of canerows witht he rest out or back if that suits you. When it breaks because of stress on the strand you wont notice it. I never EVER did, it didn't look weak or broken off but it was because of all the tension and stress on that area.

That just reminded me that when I was natural and now as a texlaxer I just tie a scarf around my head at night with no knot at the back, that somehow helped my hair because my top layers which seemed to never grow all of a sudden took off. I used to wrap too. Not wrapping has helped my hair.
you may have a point there, i have been plaiting in extenstions in the front of my hair for a while although it is week and although it has grown the back i now understand it was not suitable for the front, my hair is 100% natural and i cant do anything with it, styling wise, so it just looks like i have to leave it alone for a while. thank you for advice.

ps any tips on treatment for the front of my head to lift off and grow?
thank you lana for your sympathy, it is really awful with that important piece of hair missing, i will take your advice. im natural now, but i was braiding which didnt help,in fact it made it worse. so im going to do a few of your suggestions and i will let you know how i get on. do you know how long things should take to develop,so i know if its working.
My front is very slow to grow so I stopped manipulating it at all. For me that means when I wear my puffs I no longer gel and brush the front or sides back. I simply smooth it back with my hands and tie my PHHB on and go.