My Hair SUCKS!!! (advice needed)


Well-Known Member
...and here's why:

It is sooooooo greasy today. Why? Well, when I roller-set my hair, I add alot of grease to the curly ends of my textrelaxed hair to keep them from frizzing up too badly. When I go over my hair with my ceramic curling iron, it usually doesn't take as much effort to keep the ends smooth with the extra grease.

Now, usually the greasy effect is only for a few days and my hair is just soft and full of body, but all of last week was horrible to my hair and I'm worried that this week might be the same.

Here are some possible culprits as to why my hair feels like /images/graemlins/censored.gif.

-I know we have hard water at home

-I use CON shampoo, Cholesterol, plenty of oil and lots of grease on my hair. Now, this is great when I have a clean slate of hair. But it just gets worse when I have buildup. I tried clarifying yesterday w/ Neutragena's clarifying shampoo and I even tried diluted Apple Cider Vinegar to get rid of the build-up.....nothing!

I need help! This exact same thing happened when I was growing out my TWA. I used CON, grease, and mousse everday. My hair looked great for the first month or so, but was hard and crappy afterwards because of the buildup!!

I guess I'm asking for suggestions for:

-The best clarifyer in the world. Enough to get rid of CON and extra grease

-Whether I should relax my hair futhur so that I won't have to worry as much about curly frizzed ends nor be depended upon using heat. /images/graemlins/confused.gif
Maybe you should not add grease to your hair at all. Although, you only add it to the ends, it is going to get on the rest of your hair when you wrap it around the rollers.

Maybe some can recommend a good clarifying shampoo. It's been mentioned before, but I can't recall the favored brand.
Try Beyond the Zone Strip Search. That is best clarifying shampoo I've used. It really gets rid of all of the gunk. You can read about it on Sally's website.
I use suave clarifying and its good.

I just put a bit of oil on my ends and an end paper for roller sets..I use elasta qp curl wax instead of grease to flat iron and its not greasy at all.
Suave Clarifying will definitely strip your hair clean! It was too harsh for my hair. I use Fantasia ic 100% tea tree oil shampoo as a clarifying shampoo.

If I were you, I would relax my hair. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
I like Elucence's clarifying shampoo. Also, if your water is hard, try rinsing your shampoo out and then your conditioner out with distilled water. I know d-water isn't the flavor of the hour anymore, lol, but it still works for me when my hair won't act right. Good luck!
So, I'm thinking that I just have way too much product on my hair and that I need to relax it more.

So tonight, I plan to:

-relax my hair some more

-roller set w/ WGO and Fantasia IC liquid leave-in.

-leave CON and grease alone for a while /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
I would suggest you get this grease out before you add relaxer. You don't want to clarify your hair and strip it then add relaxer to the mix. /images/graemlins/nono.gif Just doesn't sound like a good formula to me. Why don't you work on the build-up first, let that whole thing settle. Then you need some protein to get your hair readied for the relaxer, then you can relax w/in the next few weeks. I think adding more relaxer to your ends isn't going to help your situation, you may need a trim. My ends are funny acting too and never seem to smooth nicely like the rest of my hair w/o high heat, but I got over it. If you rollerset them they smooth more and if you use a heat protectant it'll help the glide factor. Since your ends are oldest and most fragile, I dont think adding more chemical would be beneficial esp since they are heat exposed.
Why don't you try essential oils on your ends instead of grease, they penetrate the hair shaft better anyway and doesn't get as greasy. Keracare essential oils is good but there are many others out there.
Well, Seng, I had planned on adding the relaxer to my hair while it is coated and slightly "protected". And I'm not using the relaxer just to smooth the ends...{{{sigh}}} I've been battling w/ this decision for a while /images/graemlins/frown.gif In order to get my hair straight, I must use heat.

Now, the nape and sides of my hair are just fine. They still have alot of wave to them and will still get straight with just rollersetting. It's that damn crown area /images/graemlins/mad.gif I'd say that it looks like 4a-3c natural hair, so it's still pretty curly and could use some more relaxing.

I'm just gonna take the plunge and just let my hair rely on either heat or chemicals. It's jsut too much for it to rely on both.
sengschick said:
I would suggest you get this grease out before you add relaxer. You don't want to clarify your hair and strip it then add relaxer to the mix. /images/graemlins/nono.gif Just doesn't sound like a good formula to me. Why don't you work on the build-up first, let that whole thing settle. Then you need some protein to get your hair readied for the relaxer, then you can relax w/in the next few weeks. I think adding more relaxer to your ends isn't going to help your situation, you may need a trim. My ends are funny acting too and never seem to smooth nicely like the rest of my hair w/o high heat, but I got over it. If you rollerset them they smooth more and if you use a heat protectant it'll help the glide factor. Since your ends are oldest and most fragile, I dont think adding more chemical would be beneficial esp since they are heat exposed.

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i agree with sengs...although u have already made ur decision...i was gonna chime in and also say that suave is pretty good for clarifying...and also that rotating products help because most times they loose their effectiveness if you keep using them with no break...if u use the sure to use the amount they say to use on the bottle...i read that women say they get the glue effect from it and i think its cuz they put on too much...i have experienced that before and had to grab the suave shampoo lol
I think you've gotten great advice so far, but I would recommend a shower filter. I know there have been threads on this but I just got one this past weekend and let me tell you, I could kick myself for waiting so long to get one. Seriously, when I washed my hair, it (for once) felt clean yet's hard to describe but usually when I wash my hair, it has a really stripped feel to it no matter what type of shampoo I used. But after using it this past weekend, I can truly say it makes a HUGE difference. I didn't realize how bad the water here sucked. My skin has benefitted the most, I usually itch for about 10 or 15 min. after I shower when it starts getting cooler and I am proud to say....i ain't scratched my butt in DAYS! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Sorry that butt thing was

I think it makes a huge difference ....even my fiance noticed a difference the first time he took a shower after I put the filter in. The water is much softer. It only cost $20 @ Lowe's. I also know that Home Depot has them too.