My Hair Outgrew My Curlformers, please help...


SuperDuper Member
So, it's been about a year and a half since I've used them. I go to put them in today, and my hair is now too long for them. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy my hair has grown... shoot, that's why we're all here right? :lol: I must admit though, that I'm kinda salty (yeah, I went oldschool... but that's the most fitting word I can use to describe how I felt. :rofl:) that I can't use them with ease like I used to. I don't know what to do to curl my ends that extend below where the curlformers stop to achieve a uniform curl. I have the orange and pink ones (long and wide) and also the green and blue ones (long and narrow) and my hair extends about a good 4 inches below the curlformers. Should I just sell them and find something else to curl my hair? Do they sell longer curlformers? I appreciate all suggestions. TIA! :)
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Congrats on the growth! You might want to check their website..I could have sworn it said you could use a short curlformer on the rest of the hair?
They do sell extra long and wide. I saw them at Sally's this past weekend.

I would try what Tricie said. I'm not sure if it would work better with a long one and a short one or vice versa. Perhaps try putting them both on the hook at the same time and sliding the hair through both.

Too long hair is a great problem to have though :) Congratulations.

Here is info from the CurlFormers FAQ

A: Never fear; Curlformers are so easy to use there is always a solution! We suggest, rather than leaving the ends uncurled, draw the Curlformers down the hair sections (away from the root) until the ends are completely inside the Curlformers. This will create an attractive hair style with a flatter root.

You can try putting two Curlformers on the same section of hair! Because the curls are loose, if the two Curlformers are "butted" up close to each other, the join is not visible when the Curlformers are removed.
If you are planning to try this, remember to order enough Curlformers!
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heelloo ladies- same response here! - you can get the extra long size - promotion on the website at the moment by the way!!- or you can slide the curlformers down the section of hair so that the end of the hair is in the curlformers (i do this often anyway and they don't slip at all), or me too, I 've seen girlfriends use 2 on one section of hair- so you just need to get the short size so that you've got enough to do your whole head!
- well done for hair growth btw!- my hair is doing its september thing; fuzz, falling out and generally being horrible.
They do sell extra long and wide. I saw them at Sally's this past weekend.

I would try what Tricie said. I'm not sure if it would work better with a long one and a short one or vice versa. Perhaps try putting them both on the hook at the same time and sliding the hair through both.

Too long hair is a great problem to have though :) Congratulations.

Here is info from the CurlFormers FAQ

A: Never fear; Curlformers are so easy to use there is always a solution! We suggest, rather than leaving the ends uncurled, draw the Curlformers down the hair sections (away from the root) until the ends are completely inside the Curlformers. This will create an attractive hair style with a flatter root.

You can try putting two Curlformers on the same section of hair! Because the curls are loose, if the two Curlformers are "butted" up close to each other, the join is not visible when the Curlformers are removed.
If you are planning to try this, remember to order enough Curlformers!

I have tried both of these methods and the first was a bust for me. The second, worked better but it was a hassle. I put my curlformers away because I can't make them work for my length.
Sorry about your curlformers.... But what a great problem to have :look: ......Are you going to put them for sale in the sale forum?
Sorry about your curlformers.... But what a great problem to have :look: ......Are you going to put them for sale in the sale forum?

:lol: Yeah... it's a good problem to have. :giggle:

Yes, I will be selling them. I've decided to go ahead and purchase the extra long ones... I saw sallybeauty selling a 40 pack of them on amazon so I will purchase them. I have a BUNCH of both the pink and orange and green and blue ones. alot of which I haven't even used. I could kick myself for not using them more because God knows I paid good money for them. :ohwell: I purchased multiple packs, not the kit. If you're interested in them, I've taken super good care of them. I kept them in a zipped pocketbook for all this time and I've only used them on my dry hair... well a few times I sprinkled alittle water on my hair to make it a bit damp, but they all look like they were never used. I'm not sure how many I have... atleast 35 each size. PM me if you're interested. :)
Maybe you could use a snap on roller or a rod to toll the part that won't fit.....dang, I think I just gave myself an idea.....I never bought these because I knew my hair wouldn't fit.

ETA....I think you could also possibly twist the roots down some then use the curlformer....not sure if that would work because I've never used a curlformer.
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bump. Just doing some reserch on curlformers

thinking abt getting them cause I want to do some "rollerset" type styles on my natural hair and I suck at rollersetting.

I was checking the curlformers site and the long and wide ones are recommended for hair up to 14" and the short ones for hair up to 9"

Im thinking I shud just get the long ones even though my hair is abt 7" now.