My Hair is Shedding Like Crazy.....HELP!!


New Member
Ladies since i relaxe dmy hair about 3 months ago i have never really shedded more than 6 strands daily about 10 MAX!! Now for the oast week or so when i comb my hair alot of hair has been shedding. This is wiered. I have my hair wrapped 80% of the time with a silk scarf and i take vitamins so i don't understand whats going on. Maybe its the coffee i been drinkin i heard caffine and sugar is bad for your hair. I don't know......i just want it to stop:(
Well what's your routine like? Do you protein and deep condition? Hair sheds for a lot of reasons, share your routine and maybe we can help you pinpoint an issue.

Just off hand, protein conditioning always followed by a deep,moisturizing conditioner usually helps to slow down breakage. Keeping your hair moisturized. If your products aren't doing their jobs anymore, maybe you need to clarify then deep condition. If you use a lot of heat or if you use heat without a heat protectant that can damage hair too. That's just off the top of my head, let us know what you're working with.
My routine is quite simple, i go to my stylist every two weeks. She washes with KeraCare first lather shampoo, then Dry and Itchy Scalp Shampoo, then they condtions with KC Dry and Itchy Scalp Conditioner and then she deep conditions with this product by Affirm, she puts it on then i sit under the dryer for like 10 mins. Then she rinses, add KC Oil Moisturizer to my hair and then Rollerset and I sit under the dryer for like another 40 min. About every other day i add more KC oil mosturizer and thats about it.

I am so scared of protien treatments, some people say stay away from them and some say do them once in a while. I have no idea which one i should use and how to use it. I was thinking that the next time i go to my stylist i should bring my Kera Care Humecto and have her use that instead of the dry and itchy scalp conditioner and also bring my Salerm 21, thats the only protien thats every touched my hair. What should i do??
Why don't you try a mild protein first? I use Aubrey GPB and leave it in only 30min. It's nothing like Aphogee or other heavy proteins. Follow it up with a moisturizing deep conditioner and you should be fine.