My hair is shedding badly from stress. I need suggestions on what to do please..


Well-Known Member
My hair is shedding big time. It's been doing that for the past month. I started taking Biotin this week. Also, I'm doing protein treatments. Even though, it's still coming out more than usual.

I'm sure it's cause of stress cause I'm going through a lot right now. I even got 4 gray hairs within the past 2 months :( .

Anyway, any suggestions on any vitamins and/or products that may help with this?

Also, after my stress is over, you think my hair will grow back (the hair that I lost?)
Id keep up with the a mild protein once a week. Also moisturize daily. If you can bun it do that for no manipulation. Do not comb unless wet and conditioned. Multi vit , no chemicals for now. tlc. Try to exercise or meditate to manage your stress or even talk to someone professional or otherwise. Remember these situations all almost always temperary. hth:)
In the case of stress the only thing I can think of that helps is that you try to de-stress yourself.

*btw, I apologize in advance for my spelling, i'm really tired*

Maybe even 30 minutes a day (ok even 10 if you can't spare 30) and just relax yourself and try to blank your mind and stretch and relax. If you make it a daily habit you may find its just what you need to get you through what you're dealing with. Exercise is a good way of getting rid of stress (hence the stretching)

Some known way to help you out of the blahs:

You can try 1,000MG of tyrosine a day. (but you can't take it at night because it can keep you up) There have been some studies that show that when you're stressed out, tyrosine levels in the brain drop. Taking tyrosine can help to elevate mood. It can take about 6 weeks to see the full effects though.

Fish oils and flax can also help with inflammation, and when you're stressed lots of things can get inflamed. If your scalp is inflamed which can happen sometimes when people are very stressed, this can help alleviate that [the shedding]to some degree.

Stress can also increase your blood pressure, affect digestion, etc. Whey protien can help potentially reduce stress because it also has some anti-inflammatory properties as well as increases your serotonin.

Because stress can also affect how you digest food and how your body absorbs vitamins and minerals, if you're not on a daily multi, its a good idea to start.

Try having a routine where you go to sleep every nite at a certain time because getting less than optimal sleep can also affect how you deal with the stress you're currently under . If you have the time for a 20 minute power nap during the day, it can really be worth it as well as being refreshing.

Be sure that you eat healty as possible. Not saying there's anything wrong with a chocolate bar now and then (cause chocolate is really good for a small pick me up) But eating junky all the time is a no no. Because stress affects your blood pressure (will send it way up there) eating a diet high in bad fats and empty carbs won't do you any good, in fact, it can adversly affect how you deal with things (and really affect your hair)

I just want to reiterate that none of these are quick fixes, and it can take some time to impliment, and you have to be diligent in doing these things in order to get the benefit. but these things can not only help your hair but help your brain better handle what you're dealing with too.

I really hope things get better for you:kiss:

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Protein won't really help you if you're truly experiencing shedding, protein will only help if you're experiencing breakage. I have noticed that since I've gotten on a regular vitamin regimen and upped my water intake(especially with the addition of MSM) my shedding has also been greatly reduced.
take complete vitamin b it helps to regulate your hormones and while you are at the store ask them for more info on Holy Basil which is suppose to work wonders for your hair and stress levels. It cost about $25.00.
I agree with the other ladies here, including about meditation. Just focusing on your breath for 5 minutes daily will bring the blood pressure down and all stress will go away.

Also, I believe in turning over whatever is bringing you stress to God (or your Higher Power). We don't have to hold this inside of us. I agree about speaking to a professional counselor or therapist. That's what they are for.
I agree with the other suggestions. Also, you need an outlet for the stress. Excercise does wonders for me when I am under extreme stress. Anytime I have stress inducesd shedding, it's a wake up call to change my eating habits and excercise properly
Thanks everyone. I started exercising like 2x a week. It does help. I am buying a house and I have school/work. It's just been taking a toll but I'm getting better :) .
gn1g said:
take complete vitamin b it helps to regulate your hormones and while you are at the store ask them for more info on Holy Basil which is suppose to work wonders for your hair and stress levels. It cost about $25.00.

Yes, B Vitamins are the key for stress induced hair loss.