my hair is breaking and looks chopped up help!


New Member
I have no idea what it could be so I will just list what I have been doing.

1)Wash with KeraCare
2) Condition with Kera Care Humecto While in shower
3) Deep condition with Salerm Wheat Germ Mask for 30 min-40 min
4) Rinse then Apply salerm 21 with a little water to loosen up the leave in
5) Then I wrap.

And every other week I have been doing

1)Wash with KeraCare
2)Condition with Kera Care Humecto While in shower
3) Do Protein treatment with emergencee
4) Deep condition with Salerm Wheat Germ Mask for 30 min-40 min
5) Rinse then Apply salerm 21 with a little water to loosen up the leave in
6) Then I wrap.

I was wondering if it was the Protein, I was just doing it because my hair sheds a lot...It still sheds. I don’t know what to do. My husband said he could not tell until I pointed it out to him.

I should also add that I wear my hear out on the weekends then bun it up Sunday night until next Saturday when I wash. I wash only once a week. Right now, my hair is in a bun. I am getting so freaking aggravated because I said I was not going to cut my hair because I am seriously scissor happy...but I dont know now. In addition, my damn edges are so thin WTF!!!

Just some one please help me please any tips would be greatly appreciated.
I think that you might be over doing it a little.

Your deep conditioners should come before Humecto. Humecto adds moisture back into your hair.

The weeks that you use emergencee, you are doing WAY too much, IMO. You should not follow up Emergencee with Salerm Wheat Germ Mask for 30 min-40 min, but try following up with Humecto for about 10 minutes.

Also, you may want to add another deep conditioner or two to your regimine, so that you are using emergencee at most once every 4 weeks.

So, you may have something like this:

week 1: Salerm Wheat Germ Mask for 30 min-40 min, followed by Moisture Maniac

week 2. Keraphix, followed by Self Absorbed

week 3: Penetraitt, followed by Moisture Maniac

week 4: Emergencee, followed by Humecto
(the listed products are just examples)

Then start the routine all over again. Maybe wearing a bun constantly just isn't working for YOUR hair, like it works for others.
Co-signing what Webby suggested. Sometimes keeping it simple is what works best. I use basically the same products that your use except that I use the Emergencee every 3 weeks followed up with Humecto :) . I will use Humecto by itself one week and use the Salerm by itself the other and just keep rotating.
So you are not supposed to deep condition after a protein treatment? :confused:

Isn’t Penetraitt kind of a hard protein too....or no? :confused:

The deep conditioner isnt adding moisture? but the humecto is? I am a little confused. I do get what you are saying but not fully. Please school me a little more. I know the bun isnt the problem. I use to rock a French roll/bun all the time so I did not think that was it.

One last thing what would my regimen look like with the products I already own...I hate using too many different things. I dont mean to be a royal pain but I do need help. :perplexed
The thing is, I don't think that Salerm is necessarily a deep moisturizing treatment but I know that Humecto is. I think that it is best to just follow up with Humecto after doing a strong protein treamtment :) .
Thanks Ladies,

I will do just the protein one a month, and the humecto the rest of the time rotating with salerm wheat germ mask.
OK so what the heck is humecto anyway?? I bought the knockoff Suave Humecto shampoo yesterday umh lol because I read that people on the board use it. SO is it a deep conditioner, protein treatment, what is it?? I know it made my hair feel rough after using it last night. I washed, used that, deep conditioner, then rinsed after washing with another conditioner.
I thought that Salerm was a deep moisturizing conditioner...that is why I was using it.

Jasmin, I dont know if you were asking me what type of perm I get but in case you were I use Dark and lovely-no Lye.
Bmm said:
I thought that Salerm was a deep moisturizing conditioner...that is why I was using it.

Jasmin, I dont know if you were asking me what type of perm I get but in case you were I use Dark and lovely-no Lye.

The best way to tell if you are using too much protein is to look at the ingrediants. I'm not sure how much protein is in the Salerm because I don't use it. Look at the ingrediants and see what proteins are listed. I would guess that it contains wheat protein at least. Wheat protein is not harsh or drying unless it's like the 1st or 2nd ingrediant on the list. There may be other types of proteins in this conditioner too but I'm not sure.

If you are suffering from protein overload, the best thing to do is to eliminate products that contain protein for a while. The Keracare Humecto is excellent for this because it is protein free.