My hair feels stronger after a DC is it because...


Well-Known Member
...I haven't washed in almost 1 week. Hi. I've been a little lazy with my hair lately. Normally I wash and condition or DC twice a week but last week I skipped a wash day. I was supposed to wash my hair on Friday, then it got pushed to Saturday. Well I washed and used a moisturizing DC today and my hair feels pretty strong, stronger than I expected. I did do a protein DC last Tuesday so I am not surprised that the proteins strengthening is still in effect but I have been doing 1 protein DC one week and 1 moisture DC the following week for about a month now and I haven't noticed my hair being this strong before. I do a wash and regular condition in between each DC and haven't noticed any problems with that. I just expected my hair to be a little weaker, like I know that I'm going to need that protein DC next week.

I am beginning to suspect that I am over moisturizing my hair. I know that my hair gets mushy easily so I make a point to use protein a least one day every other week. My routine is that I condition after every wash (either regular conditioner or a DC) which is twice a week. I moisturize my hair using the modified L.O.C. method using oil after the cream every wash day which is also twice a week. I may oil my hair and scalp 1-2x after that but don't moisturize again until wash day later on in the week. Last week was different. I only washed and moisturized once and I added my oils to my scalp every other day. It's been 5 days since my last wash (excluding today).

I wonder if this is the reason my hair breaks so easily. I don't have bad breakage but my hair is sort of fine and the ends go down hill really fast if I'm not careful. Lately I have noticed my ends doing better, they don't tangle as much or feel rough since I have been DCing once a week and adding jojoba oil to my oil mix. Do you think that I am doing too much to my hair?