My hair dryer just melted while I was under it!

Desert Skye

Well-Known Member
Ladies, I'm sitting here upset with my hair soaking wet.

Today I washed my hair and did an unusually good rollerset. My hair felt so soft and moisturised while I was rolling it. I just knew this was going to come out nice.
So I saw and after about 5 mins I noticed this strong burning plastic smell. I ignored it thinking my bf was doing something in the kitchen so after another 5 mins I noticed smoke coming from the dryer! I jumped up thinking my hair was on fire but it turned out the plastic under the dryer was being melted by the metal bars that give off the heat. There is no way I am about to go back under there to finish drying my hair, its just not that serious. I am just mad because I really loved it and I dont have any extra $$ to buy a new one...but I am going to go visit the BSS down the street just to see if they have any at a reasonable price. Here are so pictures:




Here you can see the metal bar melting the plastic.

I think its partly my fault this happend though. As my hair got longer, it has been more difficult for me to fit my whole head under the darn thing. I've been kinda forcing it in so it might have caused the plastic to come too close to the metal peices.

Oh well I am off to put my hair in two braids...

I have killed, err mmm.. damaged a few blow dryers, combs and brushes in my day but never a hair dryer....okay, not a standing hair dryer.:wallbash:

I am glad you and your hair are okay. It just sucks when the hair equipment has a malfunction no matter whose fault it is.

Best wishes finding another that you like.
Oh No! I am hate to hear this happened. Glad you hair came out okay and wasn't on fire. I hope you find another dryer for a good price.
Oh No! I am hate to hear this happened. Glad you hair came out okay and wasn't on fire. I hope you find another dryer for a good price.

I am thinking about just saving up for a PIBBS kwik dry. The only thing is I dont want to pay for shipping :cry:
I am thinking about just saving up for a PIBBS kwik dry. The only thing is I dont want to pay for shipping :cry:

I am the same way about the shipping. Do you have a Sallys? I know they can ship it to the store and you pick it up without shipping fees. Sallys just cost more than some of the other places online though.:ohwell:
Wow...sorry to hear that:sad: Your dryer looks very much like a Pibbs.

What is it and how long had you owned it?

It worked really well. It was called Pro Tools and I bought it in a BSS in New York City for $119. I had it since 2005 without any problems.
I am the same way about the shipping. Do you have a Sallys? I know they can ship it to the store and you pick it up without shipping fees. Sallys just cost more than some of the other places online though.:ohwell:

I didnt know that. There is one down the street from me so I might poke in there and see if there is anything there.

I feel so lost without it, I dont know how to air dry my hair properly.

WHEW! I am SOOOO happy that that beautiful hair of yours was not damaged!!!

I read the title and thought that the plastic melted on your hair!!!

What a blessing that it wasn't your hair that was smokin'. I am sorry to hear your dryer melted.

OT: what's this PIBBS you are talking about?
I'm glad you didn't stay under there!!! I'm sorry for your loss :lachen: Ok, that sounded funny saying that part (like we lost a homie or something). But seriously, I am sorry that your dryer conked out on ya. What did you do to your hair after you braided it up?

WHEW! I am SOOOO happy that that beautiful hair of yours was not damaged!!!

I read the title and thought that the plastic melted on your hair!!!

What a blessing that it wasn't your hair that was smokin'. I am sorry to hear your dryer melted.

OT: what's this PIBBS you are talking about?

This morning when I woke up to look at it, I saw some bits of dried up plastic on the floor. I dunno what I would have done if that had gotten on my head.:burning:

This is the dryer I want to buy

A few ladies have it and love it. But since my hair is getting longer, I would love to find one that can fit my head with all my big ol rollers ( I'm moving on to the black ones now!!)
I'm glad you didn't stay under there!!! I'm sorry for your loss :lachen: Ok, that sounded funny saying that part (like we lost a homie or something). But seriously, I am sorry that your dryer conked out on ya. What did you do to your hair after you braided it up?

For real though, I got attached to it and I considered it my friend! It was given to me for my bday two years ago from my dad. Its going to feel terrible taking it and leaving it at the dumpster Monday. I wish there were a way I could just fix it...

I just ended up putting my hair in a bun. Its hot today so I think I will keep it this way today.
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OMGOSH!!! That is a major fear of mine, that my dryer will blow up right in the middle of my rollerset. I'm glad none of the plastic got on your head, we'd have a huge problem if that happened.

I keep my old gold n hot hooded dryer in the closet for backup if my standing one has a malfunction :look:
This same thing happened to me at the Dominican salon a few years back. I really have a phobia of dryers burning my hair now because of it. Sorry this happened to you.:sad:

Thanks for telling me about this Marie!

I am mad at Pro-tools now!

This is the same thing that happened to mine - the first time I tried it!!

OMG! I'm so sorry this happened to you and HoneyDew! This is not the Pibbs thank goodness. I was thinking it was from the photo! I have the Pibbs and just received it a little over a week ago and have used it twice without any problem. I would be terrified if this happened to me! Again, happy you ladies are safe!

Thanks for telling me about this Marie!

I am mad at Pro-tools now!

This is the same thing that happened to mine - the first time I tried it!!


You are welcome...I am wondering if the 2000 wattage is just too much. They really need to figure out why this is happening.
:eek::eek:I'm glad that none of you ladies was hurt by this
Why are they putting plastic on an enclosed heat appliance???????
I feel like reporting this dryer:

I am going to wait and see how they respond first. :wallbash:

I think you should report it no matter what they do. It's obvious that this dryer is a hazard. Those dryers need to be recalled.

When I was looking for a Pibbs I looked on Ebay and couldn't find one. I saw the Pebco and I asked the person selling it (a beauty supplier) if it was comparable to the Pibbs dryers. He stated in a 'roundabout' way that it was not. I'm glad he was honest about it. His answer was enough for me to make the decision to purchase the Pibbs--directly from a beauty equipment supplier. I didn't want to take any chances with Ebay or another brand.

I hope you get a refund. If I were you I would not want a replacement.

Thanks for telling me about this Marie!

I am mad at Pro-tools now!

This is the same thing that happened to mine - the first time I tried it!!


This happend to you too?? I thought it was my fault for using it for too long or actually banging it. I can't believe this:wallbash:
I'm so glad you are okay and that you posted this. I was about to run and get me one of those because I assumed it was comparable to the Pibbs. Thanks girl!
I'm sorry to hear that and I'm glad you are okay! I hope you have better luck. Maybe you can call the manufacturer and get another one. It sounds like the dryer had a manufacturing/design defect or was faulty.
Why don't you try calling the company? It's probably happened to a number of folks who own the same dryer.

I contacted the manufacturer and they want me to contact the dealer.

They don't seem to be taking it seriously.

This is what the dealer told me:

I contacted Pebco and he said you had already shown him the pictures but
I am not sure what he told you,we can either have you return the dryer
and we will get you a new one or we will pay to have someone fix the
bracket that holds the metal piece on and send new plastic,please let me
know I will do whatever we need to to get it corrected,thanks!

Who would he pay to fix it!?! Geek Squad or somebody?

Anyway, Pebco does not seem to be taking it seriously, at all.
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