My hair doesnt tangle is this a good or bad thing?


Well-Known Member
my hair doesnt really get tangled, even after i wash it. It literally takes me 2 mins to detangle after i wash it. i used to think its just coz its not long and also coz its relaxed but i see others with my kinda length hair who r relaxed and they say they get tangles. so im jus wondering is it a good thing or bad thing that i dont get tangles? i think its good but im not sure. Any opinions ladies?
Sound like a good thing, less tangles = less manipulation = more length retention. When I was relaxed my hair didn't tangle either, now that I'm natural it's a different story.:grin:
I don't tangle either :nono:, when I don't get slip, when my hair is longer...I always thought it was a good thing.:yep:
That's a darn good thing. I wish my and my kids hair was the same way. That would save me so much time. Q
It's not good.... It's GRRRREAAAAAAAAT! :yep: (sorry couldn't resist) :p

Seriously though :look: , I wish my hair didn't tangle and mat.
Showoff :rolleyes:

I'm kidding, it's a good thing. I am the tangle queen, even after a fresh relaxer my hair requires and extra tug or two (or three) to comb thru.
Isn't that kind of like complaining about too much sex? Lucky you!!! Tangles are my biggest hair complaint. Is it something you use?
That's a good thing.. Now how long is your hair??? Because the longer it gets, then you run the risk of getting tangles...
My hair doesn't tangle either!!! Glad to know that I'm not the only one :grin:

ETA: my new growth doesn't tangle, my natural hair didn't tangle (4a) and when my hair was MBL relaxed it didn't tangle. I have NO idea why!
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my hair doesnt tangle either, i see it as a blessing to only have to "detangle" or comb for 2 mins and be done with it. its def a good thing :)
The only way your hair NOT tangling would be a bad thing is if you wanted to get locs - then, you might have a bit of an uphill struggle.

Otherwise - celebrate!!! I WISH my hair didn't tangle - shoot. :grin:
Here comes the pessimist - :lachen:
I think it is great BUT just make sure your hair is healthy. Hair that is overprocessed so bad its dead (yeah, i kno, all hair is dead, but you know what i mean) wouldnt tangle either. Just because my ng tangles like crazy and my relaxed hair didnt, doesnt mean my relaxed hair was better.... Just a thought... but i am jealous...:yep:
my hair doesnt really get tangled, even after i wash it. It literally takes me 2 mins to detangle after i wash it. i used to think its just coz its not long and also coz its relaxed but i see others with my kinda length hair who r relaxed and they say they get tangles. so im jus wondering is it a good thing or bad thing that i dont get tangles? i think its good but im not sure. Any opinions ladies?

It's a good thing. I don't get tangles either.
Here comes the pessimist - :lachen:
I think it is great BUT just make sure your hair is healthy. Hair that is overprocessed so bad its dead (yeah, i kno, all hair is dead, but you know what i mean) wouldnt tangle either. Just because my ng tangles like crazy and my relaxed hair didnt, doesnt mean my relaxed hair was better.... Just a thought... but i am jealous...:yep:

I'm natural, my hair is healthy, and I don't get tangles.

I'm wondering if it's just some do and some don't...:yep:
That's a good thing.. Now how long is your hair??? Because the longer it gets, then you run the risk of getting tangles...

Your post makes so much sense. I think I remember a few long hair ladies on the forum say that very thing: Pokahontas, Cichelle, to name a few. (I hope I'm right)
My hairs only shoulder length now.
And yh i thinks it is partly what i use. i use keracare humecto and that makes my hair super silky so i think that also helps with the no tangling....but even when i didnt use it i dnt really remember detanglin for long.
And yh about the over process thing (i dunno how to do quotes) thats y im askin if its good coz i was scared it might be sum porosity thing or sumthing negative but since most of u are sayin its good thats good enuff for me!:D
Back when my hair was SL, it was pretty easy to detangle. Now that my hair is BSL it takes me like, 20 minutes and then I swear it immediately tangles again once I'm done. :nono: So frustrating. Makes me tempted to cut it.

I think you should just knock on wood and thank your lucky guns.:grin:
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