My Hair Dilemma!!! (Long)

Last week Monday, I had my cousin braid my hair with extensions so I could leave them in for about 8 weeks. As she was getting ready to cut the unecessary extensions, I told her several times to make sure that she didn't cut my real hair. She was like, "Don't worry about it, I know how long your hair is. TRUST me, I won't cut it." I believed her because the ends of my real hair is colored and she should be able to see them when she cuts. After she cuts the hair, I look in the mirror and realize how short it was (I was going for a braided style that looked natural). But I thought maybe it looks short because your hair looks shorter when braided. I had to be back at school so I didn't get the ends of the braid burned. On Saturday, my friend began to burn the ends of the braids when she realized how short the braids were. She told me that my cousin did in fact cut my hair because she saw my colored ends, which was at the end of the braid and if she burned the ends my real hair get burned. We took down the braids and ladies, my cousin cut my hair about a good inch, if not more. Now on one side of my head hair is longer and on the other it is shorter. I set up an appointment with my stylist for a cut and I don't know how much she's going to cut off. I feel that I was doing really good with my hair journey and now I end up with a major set back!
I frequently wear braids too and I'm always worried that they will cut my hair not just the extensions. I ALWAYS request that my hair is braided at least 2 inches past my real hair. I NEVER let them burn my ends or snip any higher than the extension ends. Luckily, I have a great relationship with my braider. To be on the safe side ask for your braids to be at least 2 inches longer than where your real hair ends. Then show them where you want it cut.

Sorry to hear about your cut.
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Awwwwwwww! Sorry to hear that!!!

I also worry about that. I tell the hairbraider to braid past my hair, so I would know where to cut when it's time to take the braids out.
blessed, I don't have any advice, I just wanted to say how sorry I am that this happened to you. I haven't really worn braids in years, but I always made sure that the braid hair was MUCH longer than my actual hair. Since eveyone knew
the braids weren't my real hair I didn't worry about it looking natural and instead took that opportunity to be a little dramatic.

Try to look on the bright side and know that once you get your hair cut you'll have healthy ends. Plus, with summer coming, you'll probably have a growth spurt and be back to your original length in no time. Good luck!