My hair after the trim(pics in fotki)


Well-Known Member
So i got my hair trimed today and it looks much neater. Can you tell me approximately when I will reach APL now that I've had my trim?
p.s. my my hair is curled in the new picture
Its hard to answer without knowing your growth rate, but looks like you could make it by December. By the look of the last pic, you only hae about 1-1.5 inches to go. Good job!:up:
Its hard to answer without knowing your growth rate, but looks like you could make it by December. By the look of the last pic, you only hae about 1-1.5 inches to go. Good job!:up:

Oops I forgot to upload them so you were looking at the wrong ones. my bad:blush: but they should be there now.
Your hair looks really good. Not long to go now to APL. Should be there by year's end.
Your hair looks great! It always amazes me how much a trim really adds life to one's hair. Your trim/pics just reminded me of why I need to trim my hair ASAP.

As for your goal, I'm not sure. As someone mentioned, it really depends on your growth rate.