My grandma said............


New Member
YOUR HAIR WONT GROW THAT LONG.....................

I was showing her a picture of our very own "Supergirl" when she was MBL. I said this is the length that I want my hair to be. She responded and said:Your hair wont grow that long.....thats genetic stuff......I said:"thats not true there are many women on here who hair grew that thought their hair would never grow as long as it did". I told her that eversince I been on this forum my hair has been growing from the techniques you ladies have instilled in me masha Allah(As God wished), I went from an unhealthy SL to a healthy (alomst inching APL) in 8 mons and I'm proud of myself (also pics coming soon).

So can you ladies help me prove her wrong and also give me a little encouragement b/c she kind of bust my bubble :sad:.

Awww... even grandmas have their off days. :(

You know that you CAN have a beautiful, healthy and long head of hair. look at your progress already! :yep:
Girl, I am here to encourage you...grow that hair. You'll be there before you know it and prove Grandma ( we love her ) and everyone else wrong. I didn't know my hair could grow past APL. But you will get there!!
(((((Hugs)))) I know that must of hurt when she said that. Many in her generation don't know any better. Just give her a pass and silently prove her wrong. When she starts to see that you are indeed going to reach your goal she will probably be one of your biggest fans. For now keep your dreams to yourself (share with us of course!) and stay positive.
You know how people think when it comes to our hair. Most people including our loved ones dont know all that there is to know, not even grandma. As you said the best thing we can do for our doubters is to prove them wrong so they'll know better before they make that mistake again.

You know you can grow your hair down to your behind if you want to so dont be discouraged.

Now you need to be the turtle and not the rabbit cause ya see the rabbit was boasting how he could run so fast and he said that the turtle was so slow and would never beat him. But let me tell you something-- that turtle ran the race and never stopped even if he was tired and hot, he never gave up but he kept running...well guess what? he won the race. ya see the rabbit fell asleep-small mistake. Also the rabbit underestimated the turtle-- major mistake! :grin: :lol: When people underestimate us, we just need to keep our focus that finish line and we will achieve whateva we put our mind to. :yep: :lol:

My mom was a "doubting thomas" as well. Now she hangs onto my every word, regarding hair care that is! Give it a little more time...let your hair speak for itself!
You know how people think when it comes to our hair. Most people including our loved ones dont know all that there is to know, not even grandma. As you said the best thing we can do for our doubters is to prove them wrong so they'll know better before they make that mistake again.

You know you can grow your hair down to your behind if you want to so dont be discouraged.

Now you need to be the turtle and not the rabbit cause ya see the rabbit was boasting how he could run so fast and he said that the turtle was so slow and would never beat him. But let me tell you something-- that turtle ran the race and never stopped even if he was tired and hot, he never gave up but he kept running...well guess what? he won the race. ya see the rabbit fell asleep-small mistake. Also the rabbit underestimated the turtle-- major mistake! :grin: :lol: When people underestimate us, we just need to keep our focus that finish line and we will achieve whateva we put our mind to. :yep: :lol:


:lachen::lachen:I forgot all about that story ..
Go, Halimah! :yay: You can definitely do it! :yep:

When I first started my journey, no one I spoke with believed it was possible to me to grow my hair to mid-back or waist. I was told something to the effect of only mixed people could do it, even by my very own DH. :rolleyes: Some family members looked at me sideways for wearing protective styles. Now, everyone is ooooing and ahhhing over my hair practically every time they see me. But you know what? The sad thing is I've told some of these same people they can do it, too, and they are still doubters. Now, they say stuff about me having "good hair," but I'm like, how is my hair "good" all of a sudden when it wasn't considered that 5 years ago.

Anyway, the proof is in the pudding. Grow on, Halimah!
everyone has their naysayers, and unfortunately most of them are in our own families. i cannot wait to see your pictures and i wish you the best of luck!
I've always kind of kept my thoughts about hair between me and my LHCF sisters, because I wouldn't really expect outsiders to "get it."

Grandma is just believing one of the common misconceptions about black women and long hair. I mean if you want to get technical about genetics then I say that genetically we all can have long hair with the proper care.

But you can tell Grandma that there is nothing genetically special about me that has caused my hair to get to long lengths. Tell her I take care of it diligently and treat it well and therefore it is healthy and thrives which leads to little or no breakage which means I'm retaining length so my hair gets longer.

OR, like we always say to the ladies who share the stories of the doubters in their lives--just prove her wrong with your long hair! :up:
I just thought about this from a-whole-nother angle. :look:

Some older folks grew up kinda rough. What I mean is, many had a hard time... It may have come off as negativity but it could have been her not wanting you to be disappointed if you fell short of your goal. :look: I've known older ladies like that. It's like almost being afraid to dare to do or be different.

It made more sense in my head. :look:

Anyways.... WOOOOOOOOOT!!!!! Girl go on and grow! :grin: (yay!)
My husband shares the same beliefs as your grandma. All we can do is continue taking care of our hair and silently prove them wrong. I can't wait for the day when I can smack my husband with my long, lush BSL ponytail (don't do that to grandma!). :grin: Be encouraged, you can do it!
My ex-husband, and cousins have the same belief as your grandmother. God is no respector of persons and as he made us, he is the right person to pray to and ask for guidance and he is very willing to tell us. When I told my cousin about my hair, how long it has grown, she was quiet and she wasn't interested, I have come to realise that many people used to use, we can get it you can't over us, now that it is no longer the case, we are told, that we are obsessive over our hair. So we are winners and the naysayers, doubting Thomases and Uncle Tom Cobbly are...unhappy. So keep your good work and forget about grannie.
YOUR HAIR WONT GROW THAT LONG.....................

I was showing her a picture of our very own "Supergirl" when she was MBL. I said this is the length that I want my hair to be. She responded and said:Your hair wont grow that long.....thats genetic stuff......I said:"thats not true there are many women on here who hair grew that thought their hair would never grow as long as it did". I told her that eversince I been on this forum my hair has been growing from the techniques you ladies have instilled in me masha Allah(As God wished), I went from an unhealthy SL to a healthy (alomst inching APL) in 8 mons and I'm proud of myself (also pics coming soon).

So can you ladies help me prove her wrong and also give me a little encouragement b/c she kind of bust my bubble :sad:.


When I started my journey, people would laugh at me and say that I was a fool for believing that I could grow my hair down my back. They could have been right. They could have been wrong. But you don't know until you try.

The one thing I know for sure is that even if you don't get hair down to your hips, if you stick with this board and implement some of the things, your hair will continue to improve.

One day you are going to lookup and catch your breath as you realize that gorgeous hair you just caught a glimpse of -was YOURS! Hang in there! Keep going.
Genetics huh?

I remember when I was a kid, only my brothers' hair seemed to grow fast. The ladies--mom, sis and I--always had a hard time seeing any length. In fact I think it was only when I was preteen and my mom cared for my hair, that I might've had hair like my brother had. This is one of my brothers' hair blowdried (Although this is a recent pic, I would've given anything to have this length back in the day, coz this was never my story):

My sister's hair never seems to grow beyond this length (and I can't wait for the day we'll be living closer so I can care for her hair for her):

My mom is always at this length (first pic was our first attempt at using Curlformers on natural hair--no heat :D) and second is just her natural 'fro--her hair doesn't look that much longer pressed:

And the only time I ever saw my hair get long, by our family standards, was when I was relaxed or when I had jheri curl--although that view may just have been because my hair was straight and not showing shrinkage:

Enter my understanding about my hair and my learning protective styling and I have these pics to show that genetics aren't the full story:

I don't know if I can grow beyond that length (I got BC'd when I had achieved that length thwarting my progress), but after a little over a year, I'm sorta back where I was, if not slightly past? *shrug* Although I did have to snip off these unsightly ends:
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Just be patient, sweetie, and use your grandmother's comment as motivation to take excellent care of your hair. There's little more satisfying than watching doubters eat their words :grin:.
This board is probably full of women that have experienced a similar story, so alot of us (including me) can relate. Just try to make sure you don't let other people's doubts become your own. There is always going to be someone that will doubt you...loved one or not. You have to believe in yourself.

I'm sorry that busted your bubble :sad: But just be glad that you have LHCF to turn to...I'm sure if not anywhere else, you can always find the encouragement you need here. :drunk::drunk::drunk:

PS: Trust me....if I can grow my can you!
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