My Freeda Biotin Failed the Dissolve Test!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I can't believe this! It miserably failed the test!

I had been reading how people said that when they did the dissolve test with their freeda biotin it would dissolve in a couple minutes, even seconds.

Well, I dropped a 2.5mg tablet in room temperature water. I check on it 10 minutes later and the tablet is at the bottom and hasn't fully dissolved. I stir it and the tablet comes apart but the white stuff settles right back to the bottom.

I'm a little taken aback by this. But then I remembered some people adding vinegar to their solution. So I took 12 ounces of water and added 1 1/2 tablespoons of vinegar to the solution and dropped another tablet into the mix. This time I decided to wait 20 minutes. 20 minutes later I come back and see the same thing. I take a spoon and stir the mixture and the tablet breaks apart. I come back 5 minutes later and a whole bunch of white residue is sitting at the bottom of the glass.

The only thing I can think of is maybe I got a bad batch. I did get my freeda biotin from Could that mean that I got less than good quality?

I want to get freeda biotin again but these results are less than pleasing.

ETA: I also tried putting the biotin-water mixture in the microwave for 90 seconds. I took it out and the biotin was still sitting at the bottom.

On a good note: My trimedia MSM powder passed the test!

i haven't tested mine (taking 10mgs a day) but i still get a faster growth rate w/ it. (i would try it now, but i finished my bottle and am waiting on my new bottle to come in)
I havent tried this...Ive been taking 5mgs a day for about a month and I havent seen the miraculous growth that I saw w/ PP Biotin. Perhaps I will up the dosage...I so wanted this to give good results because I heard good thing about Freeda. I got mine directly from theit website.

I do not think this test is reliable for two reasons:

1) The pH of HCl in the stomach is much greater than straight vinegar.
2) Just because a pill dissolves does not mean it gets absorbed.

Can you describe the pill so someone can tell you if you received a fake version?
Re: Hmmm...

Freeda Biotin dissolves in my mouth more readily than any other supplement I've ever taken in pill or tablet form.
Re: Hmmm...

Freeda Biotin dissolves in my mouth more readily than any other supplement I've ever taken in pill or tablet form.

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ditto, I gotta drink the water fast because in 30 seconds it turns to powder.

Did you get yours directly from the Freeda site or from


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i got mine directly from Freeda..and it does dissolve fast in my mouth...not completely, but i can feel it dissolving
When I put the tablet in my mouth it doesn't feel like it's gonna dissolve.

My freeda biotin is a small white tablet.
