My first two comments on my newly natural hair (pics included)


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So today in class I got two compliments on my natural hair and it felt good to know that others like my hair as much as I do.

The first girl said :"question, how do you get your hair like that?
I told her that I no longer have a relaxer and she said "yea my hair does that sometime, but not all the time."

The second girl: "I didn't know your hair was that curly, it looks nice." She knows that I was transitioning and she is currently 8 months post, so I hope she will keep holding out.

By the way I used Cantu Shea Butter leave in and my denman brush and also at the front I used IC Fantasia Gel (Blue) and put hair in a hair zing

Well here are the pics






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Girl, them waves are POPPIN!!!! Looks so pretty!

I love using the Denman on my daughters, it really makes curls pop!
Girl, your hair is gorgeous! Congrats on the BC! I hope I have this much hair at 16 months post. I'll definitely BC then! So pretty!