My experience with glycerin....


Well-Known Member
It frizzed my ends right up!!! I live in Houston, which is the humidity capital of the US. lol. I thought the glycerin would prevent dryness, not create frizz. My hair doesn't normally frizz, because I use heat protectant with silicones, but with glycerin...omg. Does it have water in it or something, because all week I've been looking a hot mess? Give me your experiences.
It frizzed my ends right up!!! I live in Houston, which is the humidity capital of the US. lol. I thought the glycerin would prevent dryness, not create frizz. My hair doesn't normally frizz, because I use heat protectant with silicones, but with glycerin...omg. Does it have water in it or something, because all week I've been looking a hot mess? Give me your experiences.

How did you use your glycerin? I have been using mine as an additive to my prepoos or deep conditioners. I also mixed up some oils and butters with glycerin and aloe vera gel as a moisturizer. I have never used it alone.
Glycerine makes a good moisturizing agent b/c it's a humectant - meaning it draws moisture out of the air and holds on to it. Which is great for dry hair, but not so great if you're trying to avoid frizz. It's probably sucking moisture from the air and holding it in your hair which is causing some reversion. HTH
How did you use your glycerin? I have been using mine as an additive to my prepoos or deep conditioners. I also mixed up some oils and butters with glycerin and aloe vera gel as a moisturizer. I have never used it alone.

Glycerine makes a good moisturizing agent b/c it's a humectant - meaning it draws moisture out of the air and holds on to it. Which is great for dry hair, but not so great if you're trying to avoid frizz. It's probably sucking moisture from the air and holding it in your hair which is causing some reversion. HTH

I put it on my ends. That is a mistake I will never do again. No water needs to be drawn into my hair. :lachen::nono: