My ex didn't like my "ugly ass" natural hair

I'm furious. This guy never supported me from the moment I stepped out of my comfort zone to do the big chop, to today when I had my hair out in a messy fro. Instead of commending the progress I've made, the only comments he ever gave were "don't ever cut your hair again," "I liked your hair straight in that weave," "you should wear [extension] braids," to finally "you should straighten your hair. How are you going to wear it the rest of your life? It's not professional. I like it better straight." Oh yeah, he left a voicemail saying he didn't know who would accept me or my "ugly ass hair." I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter how my hair is styled, he won't accept me natural.
FYI, he's a "moreno" Brazilian raised in the U.S.

I finally broke down and told him to get out of my life once and for all. I'm tired of his ignorance. I never meant to stay with him for the rest of my life, but I should at least find a guy who appreciates me for what I am. This incident isn't the only reason, but it definitely upset me a lot. My only regret is that I forgot one of my nice earrings in his car. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
:rolleyes: You and your hair will do so much better with him out of your life!!! :perplexed Guess it proves that the good hair/bad hair meme is still alive and well!

Damn shame. :nono:
yikes, kick him in his @ss and let that weave sitting on your tableside hit him upside the head on his way out.
WTF? What an A$$.

I applaud you for leaving.
Leave superficial alone girl! It's good you kicked him to the curb. Not because he didn't like your natural hair but because he never really saw YOU.
:nono: What an ignorant, insensitive (fill in the _______). I'm glad he's an ex. You deserve someone who appreciates your inner beauty as well as the outer.
thank goodness you left...i hate guys like that. my bf loves long dark hair so when i cut it and dyed it blonde he cussed me out!

oh girl, get that earring
He would have shown his ugly side eventually if it wasn't the hair it would be something else. Better sooner than later keep walking.
Oh gosh...

That is the last thing you need in your life...I'm glad you ditched his butt, sorry about your earring though!
For real. Did you cuss him out OP? Cuz' he would've seen the ugly side of me that day. :lachen:

But seriously don't dwell on it, obviously you touched on some issues that he has.

I didn't curse him out cuz I didn't have the energy to say things he wouldn't comprehend anyway. I just told him to get the **** out!

I'm angry now, but I'll definitely try not to dwell on it.

And thanks so much for all your responses!! I knew I'd find support here.
So you say you lost about 180 pounds in 5 seconds??
I commend you for having the courage to drop his dumb @$$:yep:
wow. any guy who is that determined to continually undermine your confidence and self-esteem does NOT need to be in your life.

i'm glad he is now your ex. nothin but luv sweetie, you will find someone who loves the REAL you. :grin:
What an :censored:

An ex is an ex for a reason. I'm glad you got rid of his simp a**!
I have to ditto what everyone else has already said. You are better off without his ***! Can't believe some of these guys. :nono:
He's definately an idiot.. im glad that you got rid of him because you only need people in your life that will bring you up, not down!
Leave superficial alone girl! It's good you kicked him to the curb. Not because he didn't like your natural hair but because he never really saw YOU.

I agree because if he saw you for you the hair wouldnt be such an issue

But I do understand if he comes from that standpoint, and so many do on natural hair, he is just ignorant and just wanted you to keep what in his mind is the 'fly look', or the look he is attracted to

but if its more important for you to be natural you gotta do you and leave anyone else by the wayside. Thats with anything and everything, you gotta do what is at the core of you, he will feel stupid if he ever sees you when you have made more that!