My daughter's hair is breaking, PLEASE HELP!


Active Member
So, I put a relaxer in my daughter's hair two weeks ago (ORS-Mild) and it is now breaking. We've used this product for over two years and have not encountered this problem. I'm not sure what happened and why she is now losing hair. I'm always very cautious to rinse out the relaxer well and neutralize, neutralize, neutralize. I did this several times and deep conditioned. The only thing I can think of that I did differently was to use the Vitale Revive Positive Conditioner after rinsing out the relaxer. The instructions say the following: As a Post Relaxer Conditioner it returns hair to its neutral pH and seals hair cuticles for long lasting shine


Could this be the problem? Well, it's now been over two weeks since her relaxer and because she said she is losing hair all over the floor, I decided to give her a hard core Aphogee protein treatment and followed with the balancing conditioner. I'm hoping her hair will turn around after this. I'm also going to give her a DC every week for the next few weeks to try to stop this breakage and return her hair to normal. She has also been instructed to only take her hair down to moisturize and then put back in a bun until it stops breaking; very low manipulation.

I must also mention that right after her relaxer (same day) she had her sister flatiron her hair and then crimped it the next day. Could the heat have caused this being that it was a fresh relaxer?

We really don't want her to have any setbacks. She's really close to being APL and she is very scared.

Can someone tell me what to do? How can I stop this before it's too late?

How does the hair feel, can you take a strand and streach it or will it break? What was used on hair to flat iron and crimp the hair?
That Balancing Moisturizer is garbage, definitely not moisturizing enough to follow the two step with. After rinsing the moisturizer out, follow up with another moisturizing dc

The low mani reggie is a plan for now. I'd also recommend dc'ing overnight with a moisturizing conditioner

I really hope the breakage gets better!
How is she wearing her hair? Is she using heat every day? Personally, I'd deep condition with a heat cap, roller set, maybe flat iron it after with low heat and then use no heat until the next time I shampoo. Pin curl or wrap at night. I like Aveda's Damage Remedy line, another good deep conditioner is cholesterol.
So, I put a relaxer in my daughter's hair two weeks ago (ORS-Mild) and it is now breaking. We've used this product for over two years and have not encountered this problem. I'm not sure what happened and why she is now losing hair. I'm always very cautious to rinse out the relaxer well and neutralize, neutralize, neutralize. I did this several times and deep conditioned. The only thing I can think of that I did differently was to use the Vitale Revive Positive Conditioner after rinsing out the relaxer. The instructions say the following: As a Post Relaxer Conditioner it returns hair to its neutral pH and seals hair cuticles for long lasting shine


Could this be the problem? Well, it's now been over two weeks since her relaxer and because she said she is losing hair all over the floor, I decided to give her a hard core Aphogee protein treatment and followed with the balancing conditioner. I'm hoping her hair will turn around after this. I'm also going to give her a DC every week for the next few weeks to try to stop this breakage and return her hair to normal. She has also been instructed to only take her hair down to moisturize and then put back in a bun until it stops breaking; very low manipulation.

I must also mention that right after her relaxer (same day) she had her sister flatiron her hair and then crimped it the next day. Could the heat have caused this being that it was a fresh relaxer?

We really don't want her to have any setbacks. She's really close to being APL and she is very scared.

Can someone tell me what to do? How can I stop this before it's too late?


Since she just had a relaxer, she probably should've rollerset. But if her hair is breaking and you don't really know what it's from, in another 2 weeks I'd clarify and add back both protein and moisture. Since you already gave her the Aphogee hardcore, maybe try using the Aphogee reconstructor and following up with a moisturizing DC (pantene r&n mask is great) and leave in. Continue the low mani and moisturizing and things should be fine. Tell her to keep away from the heat until the breakage really subsides.

ETA: These articles should help once things are back to normal -

I also find Nexxus Emergencee to work better than the Aphogee hardcore, FYI. HTH and good luck. Too much breakage can be really scary.
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Thanks girls. I will definitely have her step up the moisturizing treatments and low manipulation regime. We'll see what happens. I hope this works.