My coconut oil has no smell...


Well-Known Member
I found a jar of spectrum coconut oil at the grocery store for $6.99 and got it. I think I may have gotten the wrong kind. I've noticed that mine says "organic, pressed, refined". Was I supposed to get unrefined? Will it work the same? TIA!
I prefer the kind with no smell. Both will work well, but a lot of people seem to prefer unrefined.
I purchased this also. I have yet to use it but it should work the same. I would have rather had the smelly one because I love the smell of coconuts. If anyone finds one that smells good, let me know where to buy ti. I don't care for the smell of the Parachute oil at all, but it is the only other one I have right now.
I found a jar of spectrum coconut oil at the grocery store for $6.99 and got it. I think I may have gotten the wrong kind. I've noticed that mine says "organic, pressed, refined". Was I supposed to get unrefined? Will it work the same? TIA!

For hair and skin? Yes. Many people do not like smelling like coconuts. It's a good product. For the coconut creme texlaxer/conditioner, you'd also have to have the "butter."
thats good you got refined because the unrefined spectrum smells like arse crack and baby vomit. so i stoped using it.
i do prefer unrefined coconut oil though and the brand i like is emerald lab, you find it in GNC and it smells like coconuts. and its so much more silky than the spectrum brand.