My 12 week stretch ends tomorrow!!!


New Member
Hi ladies,

My first 12 week stretch ends tomorrow!!! I'm having mixed feelings. I'm excited to see my progress (though I've self trimmed 2x in the last 12 weeks), but I'm also dissappointed to see my new growth grow...we've become good friends over the last several weeks.

I made an appointment at Indra Salon in midtown Manhattan, I've never done anything there before, but I've been inside several times to speak with the stylists, they have all been very nice and seem knowledgeable. I spoke with the stylist who will be doing my hair, I explained to him that my main goal is healthy hair as opposed to a style. I also told him that I wanted to move away from relaxing my hair to bone straight and only relax it about 80%. He actually didn't react badly to that, and said that he understood exactly what I was looking for and would make sure he delivered. We are going to be using Affirm Mild (my usual strength is Affirm Regular). He is also going to let me bring in my own bottle of Reconstructor (affirm), instead of being charged $35 to use their protein conditioner.

So I'll update you tomorrow on what happens and hopefully i'll be able to post pics!!!

Thanks ladies for helping me with this first 12 week stretch. I plan to stretch 16 weeks next time as part of the April Fools Stretch Club/Challenge!!!
Congratulations on completing your first 12 week stretch AND finding a stylist that is willing to style according to your preferences (as opposed to their own)!
YAY!!! Doing the happy dance for you! It feels like a dream when you first hit 12 weeks and then it makes you want to wait longer if you can manage your hair and new growth. I plan on stretching to at least 14 weeks before relaxing again.

Yeah I'm glad I spoke to him first makes me feel more comfortable that I've told him ahead of time what I want to accomplish. I will have to mention tomorrow that I want him to be very very careful about overlapping. I really hope he does what he says he's going to.

We'll see what happens tomorrow.
Not trying to rain on your parade but, did you tell him how long it has been since your last touch-up? I know some of these stylists get all pushed out of shape if you say you went past 8 weeks.
PrettyBrownEyes said:
Not trying to rain on your parade but, did you tell him how long it has been since your last touch-up? I know some of these stylists get all pushed out of shape if you say you went past 8 weeks.

Uh oh you're right I didn't tell him, and you can't really tell it's been this long since my hair is in a ponytail and the edges are smoothed and pushed down by the scarf. Oh boy!!! Well hopefully he won't freak. Tonight I'm going try to moisturize as much as possible to make the hair easy to work with. I'm actually thinking about dividing my hair into the sections to be relaxed myself before going to the salon, so he doesn't try ripping through it. Either that or I'm bringing my shower comb for him to part my hair.
:lol: Take the shower comb, it's a girl's best friend. I primarily do my own hair with exception to trims. I gave my stylist a shower comb specifically to comb my hair. It is was funny. Last week, went in for a trim and without thinking she started to comb my hair with a smaller tooth comb. I jumped out of my seat so fast to get my shower comb out of my purse. She was like, "OOPS, I am sooo sorry I forgot, you gave me a comb for your hair." She pulled it out and continued on with the trim. They'll know...:lol:

RabiaElaine said:
Uh oh you're right I didn't tell him, and you can't really tell it's been this long since my hair is in a ponytail and the edges are smoothed and pushed down by the scarf. Oh boy!!! Well hopefully he won't freak. Tonight I'm going try to moisturize as much as possible to make the hair easy to work with. I'm actually thinking about dividing my hair into the sections to be relaxed myself before going to the salon, so he doesn't try ripping through it. Either that or I'm bringing my shower comb for him to part my hair.
Congratulations:lachen: !! I made it to 11 weeks 4 days before I self relaxed. No burning or tingling. I hope everything goes well. I'll keep checking tomorrow for your update:D
That is wonderful! And it's good to know that you can walk into a salon and state your concerns and get a good response back. In no time you and your new growth will meet again since you are doing all the right things to bring it about!

Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures on tomorrow.
RabiaElaine said:
Hi ladies,

My first 12 week stretch ends tomorrow!!! I'm having mixed feelings. I'm excited to see my progress (though I've self trimmed 2x in the last 12 weeks), but I'm also dissappointed to see my new growth grow...we've become good friends over the last several weeks.

I made an appointment at Indra Salon in midtown Manhattan, I've never done anything there before, but I've been inside several times to speak with the stylists, they have all been very nice and seem knowledgeable. I spoke with the stylist who will be doing my hair, I explained to him that my main goal is healthy hair as opposed to a style. I also told him that I wanted to move away from relaxing my hair to bone straight and only relax it about 80%. He actually didn't react badly to that, and said that he understood exactly what I was looking for and would make sure he delivered. We are going to be using Affirm Mild (my usual strength is Affirm Regular). He is also going to let me bring in my own bottle of Reconstructor (affirm), instead of being charged $35 to use their protein conditioner.

So I'll update you tomorrow on what happens and hopefully i'll be able to post pics!!!

Thanks ladies for helping me with this first 12 week stretch. I plan to stretch 16 weeks next time as part of the April Fools Stretch Club/Challenge!!!

YAY, cannot wait to see pics
congratulations on reaching your stretch goal. i currently have nine days left until i finish my 12 wk stretch and i can not wait. i will also be using affirm as my relaxer, but i am going to attempt to self relax. hope everything goes well with you!:)
Thanks ladies!!!

My appointment is today at 3pm. I will give you guys a blow by blow of what happens. I can get on the internet with my phone so I might be posting a thread while sitting in his chair:lol:.

Anyway, I'm an idiot!! So this morning when I was getting ready to leave I remembered to put the shower comb in my bag, but forgot the protein conditioner!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe that!! What an idiot I am!!! So now I'm gonna have to pay $35 for their conditioner!!!!!!! If NY wasn't having this stupid transit strike I would take the train to a Beauty Supply store downtown and buy a conditioner for $25 instead of paying $35 for 2 squirts of theirs.

Actually I may run over Ricky's and buy a high pro pac or some bone marrow to substitute. I really don't wanna pay $35. I can't believe I forgot it after making such a fuss yesterday!