Mustard Oil


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking up picking up a bottle of mustard oil from like local Indian market. If I get it I was planning on using it as a pre-poo as it helps with damaged hair, hair loss, shedding, and hair shine.
So I was wondering if any of you have used this oil or as a paste even?

Thank you for your responses :look:
I see a lot of lurkers and I did in fact try the mustard oil yesterday as a pre-poo method and it left my hair very soft and tangle free. This mustard oil is supposed to be for fast hair growing, nothing so great about it. I'm going to continue using to finish up the bottle, but other than that just the old-fashioned coconut oil for pre-poo and to melt tangles add Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Conditioner. And that's all folks!