Must have gotten a fresh batch of WGO


New Member
I just bought a new bottle of Wild Growth Oil and it is extra smelly. the bottles I've gotten in the past have had a mild to moderate curry smell,but this batch has a strong odor like the smell inside a indo-pak grocery. My hubby hated smelling it in my hair and my daughter complained when I put a drop in her hair. How strong does your WGO smell. This stuff is so strong, I'm gonna have to take it back. I don't wanna smell like food at work.:burn:
That stuff smells downright nasty to me... :barf: I don't know how you guys use it!! :nono: It's too pungent!! I definitely can't walk around smelling like that stanky stuff... :rofl:
I've never had a problem with the smell of WGO. Glover's is a different story. When I wore Glover's in my hair, I was hoping no one would smell it at work. I will only apply Glover's maybe on the weekends or something. I dunno. Or just give it away to my sister who actually has dandruff and dry scalp problems.
cant you mix it with an oil that over powers it?? like peppermint EO is pretty strong maybe it could win the smell fight...
Strangely, the smell of WGO do not bother me. Thank God, because I love how it feels on my hair.
The WGO scent definitely tested my gag reflexes, so I added a few drops of peppermint essential oil and that did the trick for me.
I never use to have a problem with the smell of WGO until recently. I bought a new bottle 2 days ago and the smell is soooooooooo strong. I have been using WGO since july and this is the first time that it has smelled this bad.
I was going to buy some the other day, but I smelled it first since so many have said it stinks. Well, it's still on the shelf. I may revisit it though and add some peppermint or something to it.
melodee said:
I just bought a new bottle of Wild Growth Oil and it is extra smelly. the bottles I've gotten in the past have had a mild to moderate curry smell,but this batch has a strong odor like the smell inside a indo-pak grocery. My hubby hated smelling it in my hair and my daughter complained when I put a drop in her hair. How strong does your WGO smell. This stuff is so strong, I'm gonna have to take it back. I don't wanna smell like food at work.:burn:

I saw the title of this thread and immediately started to laugh out loud.:lol: That WGO smells like curry anyway, whether the batch is old or new.:lol: I haven't used it in months because people keep complaining about the smell.:o It is quite good especially for softening the new growth, but the smell is bad enough to put me off using it for a few months. :burn:
melodee said:
I just bought a new bottle of Wild Growth Oil and it is extra smelly. the bottles I've gotten in the past have had a mild to moderate curry smell,but this batch has a strong odor like the smell inside a indo-pak grocery. My hubby hated smelling it in my hair and my daughter complained when I put a drop in her hair. How strong does your WGO smell. This stuff is so strong, I'm gonna have to take it back. I don't wanna smell like food at work.:burn:

Mel, I fell outta my chair when I read this! I have been experiencing the SAME THING with my last batch of WGO! I've used it for over a year now with no problem, so I'm thinking they changed the formula. You're right, Indo-Pak is a great way to describe the smell. I was thinking garlic, but I think you're right on track.

I'm glad it's not just me! I feel so self-conscious that when I wear it, I know others can smell it since I can. Eeew! I'm keeping it though b/c it works so well. I used some tonight but thank goodness it's almost gone. I'm going to try a different Sally and see if they have some older bottles :)

I think I got one or two "fresh" bottles of WGO. All the others ones smelled like hot butt. :barf: I doctored mine with peppermint oil to improve the smell and to make it tingly. :yep:
I think we've all unfrortunately experienced that one product that we love (or eventually hate) that has a horrible smell..

Like, for instance, I had a bottle of Motions Foaming Setting Lotion or whatever it's called...worked wonderfully, but the smell made me nauseous and like SouthernGirl said, it made me self-conscious because I knew everyone near me could smell it!

Good idea on the peppermint oil, that was what I would have suggested.
I'm very happy with my WGO, sooooo those of you who would like to donate to oglorious1's hair fund, I'm accepting donations....better yet I've established my own foundation for unwanted and neglected bottle of WGO...
I've I’ve never had a problem with the smell! I never understood what you guys were talking about...what bad smell? My cousin and aunt even use it and no one smells it on them. I only use it on wet hair. It always smells natural/herbal to me. I only smell it as I'm putting it in my hair, but once my wet hair dries the smell is gone...and no one else smells it. OMG, I hope that they didn't change it, because I haven't bought WGO recently I'm still have some left.

The only problem that I have with WGO it that it smokes when I'm flat ironing, so maybe by the summer I will go back to using WGO, because I plan to wear my air-dried hair.

IMO, WGO is the best oil out there!!! I wouldn't even compare Kemi-Oyl to it!

Maybe WGO scent has something to do with body chemistry like perfume. Every perfume does not smell the same on everybody!
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When I buy WGO for the local business in my area; the smell is like nasty medicine but when I buy it from Sally's the scent is much tolerable.
WGO scent doesn't bother me. It smells like gingerbread when I use it. Maybe I'm just strange or maybe it just smells like that on me...:look:
I'm on my first bottle of WGO. I picked some off the counter 3 times and put it back before I bought it because of the stinch....

My mom says it smells likes seasonings.

I put Surge oil in mine and it lessens the smell.

Yep, it's usually less strong in the AM, if you use it at night, but never completely kinda still smells like the Colonels secret recipe to me...

It works though, so my people are just gonna have to bear....
the smell isnt that bad or strong to me actually i kinda like tha smell and have gotten used to it. it is great at softnening new growth and laying hair down smooth.
Yes, my bottle is KICKING hard. I opened it and said phew! I only use it when I bun and at night. The smell is really strong and curry like.

The bottle I used up didn't smell that funky.
The very first time I tried Wildgrowth I got excited and went overboard with it. It didn't seem like i put that much on at first, but when I got to work later that morning i was smelling it all day long. I thought i would be sick. I didn't use it for several days after that.
I totally missed checking on this thread this weekend. You guys gave me a nice laugh today. Some of your comments were priceless. "Hot butt":lachen: Sassygirl.

Southerngirl, I am worried that people will think I don't know how to wash.

I'm telling you they musta made the formula stronger. It's not just my body chemistry because I used to be able to use it w/o my husband telling me it kept him awake at night. The smell is much worse.

BUT I love its softening qualities. Oh man.:ohwell:
I sincerely tip my hat to all the ladies who can tolerate the smell of WGO and use it. That is some rough smelling stuff to me! :lol:
I a experiencing the same thing. My other bottles have never smelled quite like this; if anything they smelled more minty. I was just telling my girlfriend I thought I had a rancid bottle or something, an d that it smelled like someone cooked with it first then bottled it up... but I still use it. Then I put my homemade oil on top, which has fragrance (1/3 jojoba oil, 1/3 olive oil, 1/3 soy lecithin).
Hey Mel,

I bought a bottle yesterday and used it this AM. It's much better! Smells like the old formula I was using before- not at all putrid :)

Must've either been a bad batch, or I've just gotten used to the smell :lol: