Music and 10 Year Olds


New Member
I was at my niece's slumber party tonite. It was a spa party so in different areas of the house, there were manicures, pedicures, and facials.

Some family friends - two girls 14 and 15 were doing manicures. They had on music and as I was in another room, I just casually would listen in on what they were playing.

At one point, the song "I Kissed a Girl" came on and I immediately went into the room and asked them to forward to the next song. :nono: They did immediately.

Later on, I was in the kitchen talking to their mom (whom I've known 27 years) and I said "Do you know they were playing the song "I Kissed a Girl" and I asked them to change it?"

She just laughed and said "Oh I'm sure they (referring to the 10 year olds) have heard it a million times." :huh:

I was shocked that was her comment. So, I said "Yeah, but it doesn't mean they need to hear it again." She just laughed and honestly didn't seem bothered.

Was I wrong? Should I have just let the song play and said nothing? :perplexed

ETA: My concern was for the 10 year olds and my nieces who were at the party. And also in case anyone is wondering, they do attend church pretty regularly but that is pretty much all I know in regards to their Christian life.
Not at all!

The song is disgusting (heard it before, llike the beat, hate the lyrics). No women should listen to the song. The subliminal message is be a lesbian or bi-curious because its fun and exciting and dangerous and you'll like it.

The devil is busy!
I was at my niece's slumber party tonite. It was a spa party so in different areas of the house, there were manicures, pedicures, and facials.

Some family friends - two girls 14 and 15 were doing manicures. They had on music and as I was in another room, I just casually would listen in on what they were playing.

At one point, the song "I Kissed a Girl" came on and I immediately went into the room and asked them to forward to the next song. :nono: They did immediately.

Later on, I was in the kitchen talking to their mom (whom I've known 27 years) and I said "Do you know they were playing the song "I Kissed a Girl" and I asked them to change it?"

She just laughed and said "Oh I'm sure they (referring to the 10 year olds) have heard it a million times." :huh:

I was shocked that was her comment. So, I said "Yeah, but it doesn't mean they need to hear it again." She just laughed and honestly didn't seem bothered.

Was I wrong? Should I have just let the song play and said nothing? :perplexed

ETA: My concern was for the 10 year olds and my nieces who were at the party. And also in case anyone is wondering, they do attend church pretty regularly but that is pretty much all I know in regards to their Christian life.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but...

....I would have done the same thing.:look:
I was at my niece's slumber party tonite. It was a spa party so in different areas of the house, there were manicures, pedicures, and facials.

Some family friends - two girls 14 and 15 were doing manicures. They had on music and as I was in another room, I just casually would listen in on what they were playing.

At one point, the song "I Kissed a Girl" came on and I immediately went into the room and asked them to forward to the next song. :nono: They did immediately.

Later on, I was in the kitchen talking to their mom (whom I've known 27 years) and I said "Do you know they were playing the song "I Kissed a Girl" and I asked them to change it?"

She just laughed and said "Oh I'm sure they (referring to the 10 year olds) have heard it a million times." :huh:

I was shocked that was her comment. So, I said "Yeah, but it doesn't mean they need to hear it again." She just laughed and honestly didn't seem bothered.

Was I wrong? Should I have just let the song play and said nothing? :perplexed

ETA: My concern was for the 10 year olds and my nieces who were at the party. And also in case anyone is wondering, they do attend church pretty regularly but that is pretty much all I know in regards to their Christian life.
You weren't wrong at all. I'm proud of you. :clapping: :cup:

But there is definitely something wrong with 'the mother' of your niece. Why on earth would she allow that mess into her child's, let alone the other children's spirits.

That song is not appropriate at any age. It's planting the seed of accepting homosexuality, into the pure and innocent hearts of these girls and other children as well; especially teens and college students.

Music is the number one way to influence one's spirit; especially that of a child. It gets into their spirit and sits there waiting to be watered.

Think of the learning tools in early childhood classes. Most of them are songs which help them to memorize what they are being taught. As a teacher, our curriculum was at least 50% of songs and rhymns to keep the children's attention and to help them retain what they learned by the words and rhythm of the songs used.

Also, think of the 'jump rope' songs that we will never forget; and the hand clap songs, "Miss Mary, Mack, Mack, Mack..." (:lol:)

We need more with your backbone and your readiness to take a firm stand with and for the hearts and minds of our children.

Think of the next 'slumber party' where the game may actually be 'kiss a girl and like it'... :nono: Little girls (and boys) are extremely impressionable and even if 'we' don't allow certain songs in our homes and around our children personally, they still have 'friends' with careless parents who may share their negative influence with our children.

All ready those two teenage girls who were playing the music has it in thier spirit and they don't see the harm in it.

This world is 'sick'. And I do mean sick. People like you, bring healing to it.

Good for You! Hairlove! Good for You!!!
Not at all!

The song is disgusting (heard it before, llike the beat, hate the lyrics). No women should listen to the song. The subliminal message is be a lesbian or bi-curious because its fun and exciting and dangerous and you'll like it.

The devil is busy!'s truly disgusting. And it's the beat (rhythm) that's has our children and others fooled by it.

The devil is fired! :yep: