MTG POLL: For Peak Results, How Often Are You Applying?

For Peak Results, How Often Do You Spply MTG?

  • Once Week Or Less

    Votes: 9 10.1%
  • Twice A Week

    Votes: 11 12.4%
  • 3 Times A Week

    Votes: 22 24.7%
  • 5 Times A Week

    Votes: 24 27.0%
  • 7 (everyday) Times A Week Or More

    Votes: 23 25.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
I searched the search function like mad, found out everything I wanted to know and more about MTG, except this question: How often are you ladies applying MTG for optimal growth? Why (if you feel like answering).

I got my MTG the other night and I plan on applying it twice a week (straight no chaser) hoping I get an inch per month. I am gonna see how this works out before I purchase the big bottle. But I know one thing that is weird, my newgrowth is sooooft after I applied it to my scalp.

Anyways how often do you think one should use it to get the peak results?

ETA: Excuse the typos in the poll, I am always rushing.
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I apply about 2-3 times a week but I don't know exactly how much growth I'm getting because I don't measure, but I know I have ALOT and it is very soft.

Hope I helped a lilttle
prissygirl114 said:
I apply about 2-3 times a week but I don't know exactly how much growth I'm getting because I don't measure, but I know I have ALOT and it is very soft.

Hope I helped a lilttle

You did help! Thank you!:)
I apply it after each wash, so 3 times per week.

I'm going to try to apply a small amount daily for the month of February to track any different (better) results.
CurliDiva said:
I apply it after each wash, so 3 times per week.

I'm going to try to apply a small amount daily for the month of February to track any different (better) results.

Did you add anything to yours to combat the smell? I think I am going to go to the whole foods store and buy some peppermint or lavendar oil. It doesn't smell that bad to me, but from what other people says I feel self-conscious.
LocksOfLuV said:
Did you add anything to yours to combat the smell? I think I am going to go to the whole foods store and buy some peppermint or lavendar oil. It doesn't smell that bad to me, but from what other people says I feel self-conscious.

NO - that is why I try to use a small amount (no dripping down my neck) at a time, so that it can be absorbed and the smell can disappears faster. Also I wash often.

I think mixing it with too much other stuff dilutes its effectiveness. I have to re-braid weekly because of my growth - MTG is a keeper - :D -SMELL and all!
I apply twice a week mixed with doo gro mega thick oil and evoo. This mixture totally diminished the smell.:cool:
I apply it once a week, but I've only been using it 2 weeks. This is my 3rd week. At first I only applied it to my temples, because they were (have always been) thin. I was really amazed at the change. The middle of last week I started to see the area fill in with fine hair. This past weekend when I poo'd there were actually additional little curls at the temple where there had been none previously. I now use it on my entire scalp, but VERY sparingly. I only use about a teaspoon for my entire scalp.

When I received the bottle, put a little on my counter, and stuck my finger in it the memory flashed into my head, "My grandmother used to put this stuff on my hair when I was a girl"; I had totally forgotten it. Now I know why my hair was very long as a child.
I've reduced my applications down to about twice a week. Once if I'm very lazy. I think the most important thing is to give it at least a day or two to "marinate" or your scalp before washing. :)
Didn't know you were hoppin on the MTG train Locks. :lol: I haven't used my dusty bottle in a while but I used to use it about 3 times a week. I became self-conscious about the smell... dude asked me why my hair stunk :eek:
I used to apply it everyday but now since I've achieved the desired results (getting rid of my bald spot) I use it once a week (on wash day) for maintenance.
I've recently started back up with MTG. I apply it about 4-5 times per week. If I'm cowashing a lot, I apply it while my hair is wet and the smell just about disappears. Otherwise, I apply it at night and it's calmed down by morning.

I always apply it straight. It may just be in my head but I really don't feel like I get the same results when I dilute with other oils. But maybe just a few drops of some essential oils won't make a difference.

I usually notice results pretty quickly (but not a whole inch a month). But I see the results most clearly after using it for a few weeks. By the time I'm ready for my next touch up, I have significantly more new growth than I normally get.
I'm applying MTG just about 3xs per week. OT: I don't really intend to purchase another bottle of it when the one I am using runs out though. I don't know if I am finding fantastic results.
I apply it twice per day at night and when I get home from work. I tried applying it in the morning, but I'm unable to do so with braids because it leaves the yellow residue in my scalp for everyone to see. Why do is use it 2x perday? Why not? I figure the more the better my results will be. When I first began using it, I could only leave my braids in for two weeks because of the new growth.
MsDee4 said:
Didn't know you were hoppin on the MTG train Locks. :lol: I haven't used my dusty bottle in a while but I used to use it about 3 times a week. I became self-conscious about the smell... dude asked me why my hair stunk :eek:

Girl the year 2007 was supposed to be my last year growing it out. I want growth man. Did it work for you while you were using it? If not I would be happy to take that bottle off your hands lol.:lol:
Hey, I just bought some MTG and need some more. I think I will have to buy another bottle, the 32.0z this time. I'm sending it to my friends house.
I apply it daily. I dont use that much but i am seeing a lot of new growth when i usually have none now. I may have about an.75 of new growth and i have been using it for about 5 weeks
I can never stay consitent with MTG. Sometimes I can apply it every other day for 2 weeks then I dont want to even look at my squirt bottle ever again.

Part of it probably has to do with the fact that I am stretching. Trying to part (just to separate) my hair is a HAM. My roots are off the chain. So I think, If my hair is already this bad, why would I want accelerated growth? Then I dont want to do it too soon after my relaxer because I want my relaxer to look fresh for as long as possible....

I need to work something out espec. since I am on the APL by june challenge....

I plan to relax sometime before Valentines day so my mini goal will be to try to apply consistently (every other day) until then.
pistachio said:
Well, I apply my homemade MTG mixture once a day. I seem to get the best results when I do this.

I apply MTG mixed with WGO and Castor Oil once a day, but I'm going back in forth regarding buying it again.

Pistachio, would you mind sharing your homemade MTG recipe? I would be very interested in making my own .
gracefulee said:
I apply MTG mixed with WGO and Castor Oil once a day, but I'm going back in forth regarding buying it again.

Pistachio, would you mind sharing your homemade MTG recipe? I would be very interested in making my own .

hey! well i actually let the sulfur residue settle at the bottom of the bottle, and then poured out the oil. I then took 1/2 oz. of the sulfur and poured it into a bottle, and then poured 2 1/2 oz. of WGO oil, and 3oz. of coconut oil into the bottle, and 10 drops of peppermint essential oil. All together it's 6oz.(give or take a little on account of the peppermint oil)
When i was using it (prior to getting lazy) it was 4-5x per week. I achieved about 3/4" of growth per month. Now that Ive stopped, Im back to my slightly under 1/2" per month. I will be starting to use it again next week, after I finish interviewing for hospital positions. A soggy, stinky bun is not a good look for professional interviews, ya know? :lol:

From my experience, in using it over the last year (and experimenting with increasing/decreasing the dosage), I would say that you will get optimal results by using it every day or, at the very least, 4-5x per week. IMO, anything less is a waste of your time and the product. :look:
KiniKakes said:
When i was using it (prior to getting lazy) it was 4-5x per week. I achieved about 3/4" of growth per month. Now that Ive stopped, Im back to my slightly under 1/2" per month. I will be starting to use it again next week, after I finish interviewing for hospital positions. A soggy, stinky bun is not a good look for professional interviews, ya know? :lol:

From my experience, in using it over the last year (and experimenting with increasing/decreasing the dosage), I would say that you will get optimal results by using it every day or, at the very least, 4-5x per week. IMO, anything less is a waste of your time and the product. :look:

Ok, great. I have finally heard it from you and you happen to be a reliable source in my book being that your hair grew so quickly.

I will use the MTG in conjunction with Robin's vitamins and mark the progress with pictures.
I've been using MTG for about 4 weeks. I put peppermint and rosemary in mine to mask the smell and add some stimulation. So far the results have been great. If you look at my siggy, I think I may have gotten an inch of growth this past month, something I've never seen before with my hair. I also take supplements so Im not sure how much of the growth is due to mtg, but im sure the added stimulation plus the sulfur added a lil sumthin sumthin to my growth
I just got my bottle today and the smell isn't bad @ all. I order on sunday 3/5/07 and got it today from stapley's now I call that fast service. I haven't decided for sure if I'm going to use it 2 times a week or everyday, but it'll be one of those. Do you see more growth using it everyday? I'll use it @ night so in the morning the smell will be gone.
I have been using mine 5-6x's per week (great advice Kinikakes!:) ) with a tablespoon of rosemary and I got over an inch of growth in Feb. I think the key is to be consistently use it.
I bought a sample bottle of MTG a few months ago and only used it about 1x a week. it did nothing for my hair.
I bought a very small bottle. My roommate owns a horse and uses Shapley's. I asked her for a bottle and she got one for me. We live in Maryland, the land of horses. Anyway, I thought about applying it using a medicine dropper. That way I can control how much I'm putting in my hair, and hopefully cut down on the smell. To me, it smells just like bacon. I guess the key is to make sure you don't use so much. So the medicine dropper that has the measures should help.

Here they are:

I stopped using MTG because I wasn't applying it correctly. I was letting it drip down my neck and b/c of that I had horrible rashes. But that was the past, now I use it 5 days a week and let me tell you I have some serious growth. I've been using it since April, I get a touch up next week and I'll post pics of my growth.