MTG growth updates. Inches per month?

Mahalialee4 said:
How many of you are averaging an inch a month on regular use of MTG?

i usually get 1.5" month consistently on it but for november i got 2" for the month as i went all out. As of december i run out so no mtg and no vits for december no more products left except the msm so i will resume in january when i reorder i know i m missing in action so i m bunning in the meantime :mad: its my fault when i went all out i used it everyday straight on my cornrows rows that i got 2" for the month but finished the whole bottle! same thing with vits man haircare is so expensive man! i need me a hair budget :lachen:
ekomba said:
i usually get 1.5" month consistently on it but for november i got 2" for the month as i went all out. As of december i run out so no mtg and no vits for december no more products left except the msm so i will resume in january when i reorder i know i m missing in action so i m bunning in the meantime :mad: its my fault when i went all out i used it everyday straight on my cornrows rows that i got 2" for the month but finished the whole bottle! same thing with vits man haircare is so expensive man! i need me a hair budget :lachen:

Ekomba, that is great that you get that much growth from it. I hope that I get great results like this!
shellzfoshizzle said:
Ekomba, that is great that you get that much growth from it. I hope that I get great results like this!

Thanks Shellzfoshizzle but i wont lie the vitamins did help also i get 1" per month constantly on vits and when add the mtg for 4 months straights it was 1.5" and now for nov i got 2". my normal growth with nothing is 0.25- 0.5 it grows really slow with nothing. vitamins, baggy method and frequent washing were the best things that happen to my hair when i just do that and leave it alone (be it buns or braids and dont manipulate or touch it and forget about it) it grows crazy. the mtg just add up. i think its the combo of everything i never tried to take mtg by itself because i want the most growth :grin:
I get about3/4 to 1 inch per month. My normal growth rate is .5 inches per month. I'm not even consistent with the MTG, I only put it on once or twice a week, if I put it on more than that the SO will complain about "damn sulfur":lol: so I don't do it as often as I was when I started out!
I am hoping to get more 1 inch per month now that I'm back on MTG daily versus the Surge. I just ordered two 32oz. bottles, so I'll be all set for the winter. I experienced great thickness and my back section has grown out- but I have trouble measuring my natural texture.

:bud: I must be used to the smell, because it does not stink to me anymore!
P.S. You can get a free tshirt or hat from the Shapely website if you place an order over $45, but working around in a horsey shirt would be a bit much! :lachen:
If I used MTG consistently for a month every other day..I know I would get 2 inches in a month. I just get the itchies though darnit!
My last touch up was on 11-4-05, since then I have used MTG on my scalp
4-6 times per week. I have gained 1.5 inches in six weeks. My normal monthly rate is 0.5 or a little less. I am now getting an inch per month.
Great stuff! I have taken a sabbatical for a moment, and plan to do an MTG Binge for 2 weeks, one week off, then 2 weeks on with the baggy everyday method etc. Haven't been taking my vitamins period. My body just needed a breather for quite a while. but I am believing for some serious growth. I just feel like my hair wants to grow into a hair growth spurt! bonjour