MTG-Anyone still using this?


Active Member
It's been awhile since I have used any growth aids. Since I have joined a couple of challenges for 2010, I am trying to formulate my new regi. I was wondering if anyone is still using MTG. That was the "hot ticket" growth aid when I did my last challenge 2 years ago.:blush: I got really good results, but was wondering if anyone was still using it and if the Shapley's is still the best place to order it?
There is such a wide variety of growth aids that smell better, there's no way I'd mess with MTG now.
Now there's Ovation/Megatek, ayurvedic oils/tea rinses, Bee mine, Boundless Tresses, MN, etc. :yep:

But if it ain't broke don't fix it I say...and since it worked for you, yes, Shapley's is still the best place to get it.
There is such a wide variety of growth aids that smell better, there's no way I'd mess with MTG now.
Now there's Ovation/Megatek, ayurvedic oils/tea rinses, Bee mine, Boundless Tresses, MN, etc. :yep:

But if it ain't broke don't fix it I say...and since it worked for you, yes, Shapley's is still the best place to get it.

Thanks for the feedback, I will do a search on those growth aids.
I just purchased more a few weeks ago. I slather it on my natural hair every night and baggie my hair. I have noticed just over a half inch of growth. I put a color rinse in my hair around the time I got the MTG. And I can see my dark roots! I got mine from this online store
I was looking at my half used bottle the other day and decided I want to use it up, so this thread is very timely. I remember the mess and the smell so I aim to mix it with an EO like Rosemary. I don't suppose I can avoid the mess, but plan to use it again if only to use it up, and see what results I get.
I was able to get a bottle at a local horse shop. I went in there looking to see if they had Megatek and they had other Eqyss products, but not that one. So check your local horse stores for either MTG or Megatek so you don't have to worry about shipping charges.

You'll find plenty of threads about MN (miconazole nitrate), MT (megatek), MTG, etc... but my favorite ayurvedic thread is the one where CandyC gained over an inch in less than a month with shikakai oil massages and tea rinses:
I'm still using it faithfully and tracking my growth monthly. i've done a one month comparison but i think 3 months would give me more of an idea.
the smell isn't pleasant but its tolerable for both me and my so, i use it at night and by the morning the smell is gone.
i work with very brutally honest colleagues who would ask me what that funky smell was if there was any lingering.
if you are sensitive to smells i would advise another growth aid :)
I use it 3-5 times a week. I mix it with tea tree, peppermint, and eucalyptus oils. I like the way it feels on my scalp and if you use it at night and baggy it's not as messy. I'm not checking growth until December, so about 4 months of growth.
It's been a minute since I've used it, but it was a staple in my regimine for a couple of months, and I got some results from it. I don't really plan on using it in the near future since I'm trying to get pregnant, and I remember reading on here a few years ago that there was a concern over some of the ingredients beign harmful.
I have been using it for a little over a month, I actually like the smell, reminds Me of when I was a small child, and My Mom used the Dax Black Tar Grease on My hair, it smell exactly the same, as a matter of fact I have a jar of that grease in My cabinet and the old jar also has cade oil. But in any case, I can't really report on any progress, will report back in about a Month.
I have been using it since 2007, it works for me, but I only use it once a week during wash day. I put some on my scalp and the set my hair. Mine is mixed with lavender, pepermint and rosemary as well as shea butter and coconut oil. I have a conction I like to use on my scalp.
It's been a minute since I've used it, but it was a staple in my regimine for a couple of months, and I got some results from it. I don't really plan on using it in the near future since I'm trying to get pregnant, and I remember reading on here a few years ago that there was a concern over some of the ingredients beign harmful.

Please tell me where you got this dancing picture from in your post? And please tell me that is NOT A 'CHRISTIAN' MEETING! pleeze clarify. Lord have mercy if it is.
I still have a 32 oz bottle of this at home.I stopped using it because of the smell but I may try to "doctor it up" with some EO's and try it soon.:look: