
New Member
Unfortunately, some well known national brand companies have been selling highly diluted MSM to their customers. One brand contained less than 3% pure MSM, while stating on their label, "The pure MSM in this product is the highest quality available." Which was probably true but what the company failed to say was that in addition to the pure MSM, the capsules contained 97% fillers.
If you have used MSM in the past without getting the health results you were hoping for, there's a good chance the product you tried was not full strength and pure. Please do not deny yourself the benefits of MSM without trying truly pure MSM.
The following is the simple way you can test your MSM for purity: Empty the contents of one capsule or one half teaspoon of MSM powder into a clear glass of water. The MSM will immediately sink to the bottom, and dissolve within a few minutes. All the contents of capsules or powder containing fillers will not sink to the bottom, and not all of the material will dissolve. You can stir it or not stir it, either way the results will be the same: the MSM will immediately sink to the bottom and dissolve and the other "stuff" will float to the top.
Granted, this test doesn't tell you exactly what is there but it will surely tell you what isn't there-pure MSM in any form will not float.

I thought this was an interesting since we're taking MSM.
Hi, I am a newbie here but have been lurking for years. I just tried this test with the Vitamin Shoppe MSM1000. I dumped the capsule into a cup of water and it did float on the top. When I went back to check about 10 minutes later, most of dissolved or went to the bottom but there are a few particles remaining on top.:ohwell:
Tempest_Blaze said:
Hi, I am a newbie here but have been lurking for years. I just tried this test with the Vitamin Shoppe MSM1000. I dumped the capsule into a cup of water and it did float on the top. When I went back to check about 10 minutes later, most of dissolved or went to the bottom but there are a few particles remaining on top.:ohwell:

I did it with Vitamin Shoppe powder and it sunk immediately and mostly dissolve in a few seconds. I stirred the rest just to loosen up the powder and it completely dissolved except for a few remaining particles.

I heard that for something things you can declare a 100% pure if you are a certain percent less than 100. For example meat, patties, sausages . . . you can say legally say 100% chicken or 100% beef although its only 97% and this is approved by the FDA and MSM is not so I imagine they can say 100% to just about anything.

Sad really :( :mad:
I knew I needed to get the powder:wallbash: ! I just tried this test with my 99.9% pure MSM by TriMedica. It just layed on the water:huh: !!! I stirred it and basically half dropped and half is still floating on top:perplexed !! I am so disappointed but thank you so much for posting this thread so we can all be sure we are using the REAL thing.:clapping:
Catina72 said:
I knew I needed to get the powder:wallbash: ! I just tried this test with my 99.9% pure MSM by TriMedica. It just layed on the water:huh: !!! I stirred it and basically half dropped and half is still floating on top:perplexed !! I am so disappointed but thank you so much for posting this thread so we can all be sure we are using the REAL thing.:clapping:

WHAT?!?! :ohwell: :( I am so disappointed in that! :mad: TriMedica goes to great pains to claim it's 99.9% purity!
Catina72 said:
I knew I needed to get the powder:wallbash: ! I just tried this test with my 99.9% pure MSM by TriMedica. It just layed on the water:huh: !!! I stirred it and basically half dropped and half is still floating on top:perplexed !! I am so disappointed but thank you so much for posting this thread so we can all be sure we are using the REAL thing.:clapping:

WHAAAT??? I use the Trimedica brand of Pure msm now, and I did the sink test long time ago. Mine sunk to the bottom! :eek:

Are they packaging different brands with the same name label on front?? Because I've heard that the Vitamin Shoppe brand works really WELL for some people. But then others say it doesn't pass the "sink test".

I'm getting so confused! I just want a brand that will be "PURE" so that I can stick to it PLEASE! Right now I'm really confused. HOw do we know for sure any of this stuff is pure?

PS-Does anyone else's msm powder clump up? MY last order of Pure MSM by Trimedica is all clumpy and hard. When I stir the powder around, it turns back to its powder form like normal. But I'm just worried...
madamdot said:
I did it with Vitamin Shoppe powder and it sunk immediately and mostly dissolve in a few seconds. I stirred the rest just to loosen up the powder and it completely dissolved except for a few remaining particles.

I heard that for something things you can declare a 100% pure if you are a certain percent less than 100. For example meat, patties, sausages . . . you can say legally say 100% chicken or 100% beef although its only 97% and this is approved by the FDA and MSM is not so I imagine they can say 100% to just about anything.

Sad really :( :mad:

Yeah!! That's good at least the Vitamin Shoppe seems to be mostly pure. Which is why I've been having the vivid dreams! I was taking GNC before.

Staying with Vitamin shoppe!
CantBeCopied said:
WHAT?!?! :ohwell: :( I am so disappointed in that! :mad: TriMedica goes to great pains to claim it's 99.9% purity!

That's what I thought too! I guess I'll be switching to the Vitamin Shoppe brand.:cool:
I have the trimedica brand, in powder form. It sunk to the bottom and dissolved before it hit the bottom, actually. For the young lady who's trimedica floated on top...was this a pill or was it powder? I think this test only applies to powder form. The bottle says "No heavy metals, guaranteed 99.9% pure. clinically proven" It also says "The only clinically proven MSM, no heavy metals, 3rd party tested to ensure quality" This betta be the real deal after i spent $36dollas :mad:

hey guys, i put a scoop of the msm in my hand and it kinda tingled.....uhhhh is this normal?
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Wow great thread! I started off with vitamin shoppe and just purchased spring valley from wal-mart. I dont even like the taste of these. I will be switching back to vitamin shoppe because it looks like they have been passing the purity test.

I also don't understand why they can label something "pure" if it is not 100% pure! :mad: Also the misguiding labeling. Like how something can say 1000mcg of a vitamin on the front for instance, and when you look at the nutritional info the serving size will say 2 pills! And then total serving is like 750mcg of (vitamin listed on front) and 250mcg of "blah blah's complex." WTH??? :confused:
I use the NOW brand and it passed the test ;)

ETA: My MSM is in crystal form. Is there a difference between the powder or the crystals? Is one better than the other? I need to restock and would like to know. TIA
I Use New Horizons, It passed the test!

This is the reason why MSM Powder is better, it's purer than the capsules, i tried two different capsules and they done nothing for me.
Mizani_Mrs said:
I have the trimedica brand, in powder form. It sunk to the bottom and dissolved before it hit the bottom, actually. For the young lady who's trimedica floated on top...was this a pill or was it powder? I think this test only applies to powder form. The bottle says "No heavy metals, guaranteed 99.9% pure. clinically proven" It also says "The only clinically proven MSM, no heavy metals, 3rd party tested to ensure quality" This betta be the real deal after i spent $36dollas :mad:

hey guys, i put a scoop of the msm in my hand and it kinda tingled.....uhhhh is this normal?

Mine was the capsule form and it says the EXACT same thing as the powder, 99.9% clinically proven, guaranteed pure, no heavy metals...:mad:
Catina, i think that is the reason why yours didn't dissolve is because its the capsule form. You may have a different % of MSM in yours than in mines (powder form). Can you return it and get the powder? doesn't GNC allow returns?

Catina72 said:
Mine was the capsule form and it says the EXACT same thing as the powder, 99.9% clinically proven, guaranteed pure, no heavy metals...:mad:
I'm using Source Naturals MSM powder (OptiMSM). It doesn't make any specific claims about purity on the container, but it does dissolve completely :up:
Mizani_Mrs said:
Catina, i think that is the reason why yours didn't dissolve is because its the capsule form. You may have a different % of MSM in yours than in mines (powder form). Can you return it and get the powder? doesn't GNC allow returns?

I ordered my bottle from but I will just purchase a powder form at GNC or probably The Vitamin Shoppe, glad to know it isn't the powder form though. Don't buy capsules Ladies!!
RabiaElaine said:
Yeah!! That's good at least the Vitamin Shoppe seems to be mostly pure. Which is why I've been having the vivid dreams! I was taking GNC before.

Staying with Vitamin shoppe!

Same VS powder sank immediately.
RabiaElaine said:
Yeah!! That's good at least the Vitamin Shoppe seems to be mostly pure. Which is why I've been having the vivid dreams! I was taking GNC before.

Staying with Vitamin shoppe!

I have been having multiple & very vivid dreams lately. This is a new side effect to me :scratchch
I've been using Jarrow's (powder, from Whole Foods) and just tested, it dissolved completely. the label say contains purse MSM NO other ingredients.
JLove74 said:
I've been using Jarrow's (powder, from Whole Foods) and just tested, it dissolved completely. the label say contains purse MSM NO other ingredients.

I use the same brand as you :up: and like you said it passed the test! :yep:
JLove74 said:
since you use the same brand, how many scoops do you take a day? I take 3.

4 scoops in the morning and 2 at night :look: I was told that the blue scoop filled is 1000mg's so I'm trying to stick with 6000mg's per day.
EMJazzy said:
4 scoops in the morning and 2 at night :look: I was told that the blue scoop filled is 1000mg's so I'm trying to stick with 6000mg's per day.

....thanks. I only take 3000mg because i was reading online (and if I find the source I'll send it to you) that anymore than that will not be absorbed into the body.
JLove74 said:
....thanks. I only take 3000mg because i was reading online (and if I find the source I'll send it to you) that anymore than that will not be absorbed into the body.

Oh ok...Looking forward to reading it. :)
Ladies, I was wondering why you'll take so much of MSM? I asked because I also read in a book that the body only needs 2000mg a day.Just in case someone wanted to know it says:
Research suggests that we require a constant su pply of MSM for optimum good health,as sulfur is one of the essential minerals. Commonly recommended dosage levels are about 2,000 mgs (2mgs) a day taken in divided doses,w/ the morning and evening meals,but it's best to start w/ 1,000 mgs a day to avoid a too-rapid rate of detoxification.Benefits become evident in 2-21 days and can be enhanced w/ vitamin C. MSM from AerobicLife Industries and OptiMSM from Cardinal Nutrition are good sources of this nutrient. Natrol produces a good MSM supplement as well.
Ok, now I've never tried any of these. My 1st time using it I bought Spring Valley brand ,2nd time was GNC both were capsules. I had notice my hip pain was gone(pain that came during pregnancy and after I gave birth).Also, my new growth was softer and waves lose, this last time I bought Solgar brand,cause it had OptiMSM a trademark of cardinal nutrition,but it's in large tablet form. So I don't think I can test mine. Which I do know that there has to be fillers cause they had to use caking agents to get it to stick together.
Well I never see ways to test the tablets, does anyone know if it can be tested. That cardinal nutrition brand I only found online, which I really don't feel too good bout buying vitamins online. But I do plan to buy Natrol brand real soon cause I'm bout to run out of the Solgar. I'll let you all know how it works. The book with all that info didn't say if those brands were pill or powder form,but from reading all the MSM post I wanna try powder.
Well sorry for this being so long, just wanting to ask a few questions and give some info.
I just got off the phone with Puritan Pride and they said that their MSM have 1,020 mg of organic msm and the other half is synthetic which is not listed on the facts but the daily value is listed as 3,000 mg which is shocking. I will now use the msm from because they seem to have the real msm even though it is said that both organic and synthetic kinds will give you results but your body processes the organic kind much better.
I forgot who orginally posted this thread but who ever did thanks for the information.
MeccaMedinah said:
My MSM passed the test too.
I use the LifeTime Lignisul MSM powder

That was the best brand, where did you get it? I can't find it anymore.
Ok I finally tested my Natrol and it just sits there..I stirred vigorously and NOTHING...arghhh. Now I have to spend some more money for this stuff...:mad: