MSM and breakouts


Active Member
I would like to know how to prevent breakouts when taking MSM. My hair growth and texture improves when I am taking it but my skin breaks out. I am currently taking B5, biotin and silica as well as a multi vitamin.
M. Blake
Sorry to hear that. I haven't experienced any breakouts since I've been taking it but I'm sure some of the other ladies will chime in w/their words of wisdom. I think there are some other threads on this, if I find them, I'll bump them up for you.

Yous taking the right vitamins to combate break outs (silica and b5) maybe you just need to up your dosage? How much are you currently taking?
Cat_Eyed_Cutie said:
Yous taking the right vitamins to combate break outs (silica and b5) maybe you just need to up your dosage? How much are you currently taking?

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Hi, Cat_eyed_cutie
I am taking 5mg of Biotin, 1000mg of B5 and 1 silica a day by Kal that i get from Vitaminshoppe (I don't really know the dosage)
M. Blake
The breakouts, IMO is due to the MSM purging your body of impurities. Before I started taking MSM I did a 3 day juice fast and only ate soup if I git hungry. I've expereinced no breakouts since taking it. What's happening is your body is detoxing slowly with the MSM and mosre than likely you have a a lot of toxins in your system. What is your diet like?

Also be sure to drink lots of water and take vit C with your MSM. I take a packet of Emer-gen-c daily with my MSM. I dissolve them together. They're supposed to work syngeristically together, therefore yielding better results.
Forgot to add: About a month after taking MSM, I got sick with flu like symptoms, which was a rarity for me. I knew that my body was going through a detox though. So I took the next day of and took about 6,000mg of Vit C that day. I took 2,000mg, 3 times that day. I was able to return to work the next day and my symptoms were gone, except for a few little sniffles.
Armyqt said:
The breakouts, IMO is due to the MSM purging your body of impurities. Before I started taking MSM I did a 3 day juice fast and only ate soup if I git hungry. I've expereinced no breakouts since taking it. What's happening is your body is detoxing slowly with the MSM and mosre than likely you have a a lot of toxins in your system. What is your diet like?

Also be sure to drink lots of water and take vit C with your MSM. I take a packet of Emer-gen-c daily with my MSM. I dissolve them together. They're supposed to work syngeristically together, therefore yielding better results.

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My diet is not very good. I eat what every i want. I am trying to loose wieght so I am going on a low carb diet. I am going to go get some vitamin C today and take the dosage you were taking when you got sick. Do you know how long it will take before my breakouts go way?? I am taking 2000 mg a day.Thank you so much!!
Armyqt said:
Forgot to add: About a month after taking MSM, I got sick with flu like symptoms, which was a rarity for me. I knew that my body was going through a detox though. So I took the next day of and took about 6,000mg of Vit C that day. I took 2,000mg, 3 times that day. I was able to return to work the next day and my symptoms were gone, except for a few little sniffles.

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That Emergenc sure is something special! i love it too
mblake8 said:
I would like to know how to prevent breakouts when taking MSM. My hair growth and texture improves when I am taking it but my skin breaks out. I am currently taking B5, biotin and silica as well as a multi vitamin.
M. Blake

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You wanna be drinking like 10 (8oz) glasses of water each day..
NYCchild said:
mblake8 said:
I would like to know how to prevent breakouts when taking MSM. My hair growth and texture improves when I am taking it but my skin breaks out. I am currently taking B5, biotin and silica as well as a multi vitamin.
M. Blake

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You wanna be drinking like 10 (8oz) glasses of water each day..

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Thanks NYchild. I HATE Drinking water but I will do it to clear up my skin!!!
mblake8 said:
Armyqt said:
The breakouts, IMO is due to the MSM purging your body of impurities. Before I started taking MSM I did a 3 day juice fast and only ate soup if I git hungry. I've expereinced no breakouts since taking it. What's happening is your body is detoxing slowly with the MSM and mosre than likely you have a a lot of toxins in your system. What is your diet like?

Also be sure to drink lots of water and take vit C with your MSM. I take a packet of Emer-gen-c daily with my MSM. I dissolve them together. They're supposed to work syngeristically together, therefore yielding better results.

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My diet is not very good. I eat what every i want. I am trying to loose wieght so I am going on a low carb diet. I am going to go get some vitamin C today and take the dosage you were taking when you got sick. Do you know how long it will take before my breakouts go way?? I am taking 2000 mg a day.Thank you so much!!

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I only took the high dosage of Vit C for 2-3 days, until I was completely better. I only take 1,000mgs a day and I take 5000 mgs of MSM with no problems. Your body is probably loaded with toxins and that could explain your breakouts. MSM is trying to rid your body of the built up toxins. Just take it slowly. You may wanna even consider drinking some detox teas, which will help aid the process. Check out the health board. There's a few good threads on detoxing there. Good luck!
Hi, this is some info I got of an another board. It's very usefull. MSM DOES cause detox symptoms but that's a good sign, it means your body is getting rid of all its toxins. You could lower your dosage and slowly build it up.

Well here it goes:

Just in case you're not aware of this, apparently we should be taking half as much vitamin C as we take MSM, for optimal effects. I just read about it in an article by a Naturopathic Physician.

Below I'll copy an excerpt from Benefits of MSM by Dr. Marcy Foley. (You might want to read the rest of the article -- it's encouraging about hair growth!)

How to take MSM

I have discovered three common mistakes people make when they take MSM, which is why some don't feel it is effective. They don't take enough of it, they don't take it frequently enough or they don't use it with Vitamin C.

It is recommended that a person take 500 mg. MSM for every 30 pounds of body weight. Using a 500 mg. capsule, a 150 pound person could take five capsules, or 2500 mg.

MSM is used up in approximately 12 hours. Therefore, you need to take it twice a day. So the 150 pound person would take five capsules twice a day.

Third, it is suggested that half as much Vitamin C as the amount of MSM be consumed to make the MSM utilizable. In the above example, that means 1250 mg. of Vitamin C.

Those figures are simply a starting place for general health and well being. In cases of severe sulfur deficiency a person may need to take 3-4 times the recommended starting dose mentioned above.

Some people prefer to mix the crystallized or powdered form of MSM in fluid (water or juice), as they feel this gives them better absorption. It does have a somewhat bitter taste and takes quite a bit of stirring to get it to dissolve. One level kitchen teaspoon holds about 4000 mg. of MSM. You can heat the mixing water or juice slightly so that the MSM will dissolve better, and this does not damage the MSM.

As with any supplement, it is best to start at a smaller dose and work up to a higher dose, if you need it. Just don't give up before you get the relief or support you are looking for. Remember that as you are taking higher amounts of MSM, with the concurrent Vitamin C required to assimilate the MSM, you could get diarrhea from either the MSM or the Vitamin C, or both. Therefore, in order to allow your body to absorb the MSM and Vitamin C, you may consider taking this supplement 3-4 times a day instead of twice a day.

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here is the link to the whole article : Benefits of MSM by Dr. Marcy Foley