More concerned w/having long hair vs healthy hair?


New Member
I need to get refocused. I have deviated from my original plan of healthy hair growth and seem to be focusing more on length these days. Not that my hair is jacked up or anything...I feel I need to get back to my healthy hair care practices. For me that means no more blow drying, and I need to moisturize daily, and detangle daily. What about you ladies? Are you more concerned w/ Having long hair vs. Healthy hair?
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I think my priorities change every once in a while. When I first BC'd, having healthy and cute hair was the goal. After a few months, I was focused more on length as I got impatient. After a while, I figured that the most important thing is health instead of length but I soon reverted back to length-obsession.

Now, I'm more balanced in what I think is most important. However, I'm on hair-care autopilot. I know how to take care of my hair and I won't neglect it but I'm eager to see some more growth now. My hair is in protective styles until next summer - for both health and length purposes. The bottom line is that there needs to be balanced - a head of to' up long hair is not cute.
At first i wanted length but what is length without health. So I say health first because it will help with the length later.
I def want longer hair but I know I want get there with out treating it right. I like how long and silky its looks after its has been pressed at the salon but i know if I keep doing that every few weeks my hair is not going to benefit and neither is my wallet :(
At this point, I'm all about length. I know precisely what I need to do to keep my hair healthy, so that's not really a concern anymore.
I am equally concerned about both. They go hand in hand to me.

Not to mention, if a person's hair isn't healthy it won't get long. And if it is, it won't stay that way.
I'm just going to be honest and admit that my focus is length. I can keep my hair "healthy" easily; trims, deep conditioning, and wraps. I knew that already, but I am on LHCF to grow this stuff on my head long! lol
I started as wanting healthy hair and length, then I was all focused on my hair growing, but I realize I rather have Healthy beautiful hair than long crappy hair...So Health before Length it is.
I want length REALLY, REALLY BAD...but I'm more concerned about my hairs health, which is my I have been slowly trimming away my jacked up layers so I can have healthy blunt ends!