MN Users


New Member
Has anyone noticed any POSITIVE changes while using your MN Concotions? I have been using it for close to three weeks and I am not sure if it is working :wallbash:or not:rolleyes:
I have been using mine for three weeks as well and haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary just yet...I will keep trying though.
When i began using it, around the beginning of december, i did not notice that much of a difference. However, a couple of weeks ago, my hair started growing like weeds. Initally when i texlaxed my hair in the beginning of December i said i wanted to stretch for 6 month's. I could not, i had to break down and texlax yesterday because my hair began breaking off in the back. Lo and behold, i had to cut about 2 inches off when i texlaxed in December and after i texlaxed yesterday and rollerset, i noticed my hair is longer and thicker than it was before i cut those bad split ends off. Continue to use it!!!!