Mizani Sensitive Scalp...


Active Member
After much thought and all the wonderful reviews I decided to use Mizani SS this past weekend. I'm happy to say all went well and my hair turned out great. I will post pics later. No burning or anything which I was concerned about. ...But I was wondering does anyone know the ph of this relaxer? If not how can I find out? I can't find Mizani's site to ask anyone. Thanks in advance ladies.
Thanks Girl! I'm going to email them now. Twin, have you ever had Mizani? I know you currently use Vitale.
MissB, I tried to email them, but it came back undeliverable.
Do you have another email address for them?
I don't have another email address. I'll see if I have a toll free number in my rolodex. My stylist uses Mizani but I usually get either Affirm or Vitale. I have used Affirm on and off for the last 10 years.

I called the Mizani Hotline. The relaxer has a ph between 11-14. I will post the number tomorrow if you would like to call them with additional questions.
MissB said:

I called the Mizani Hotline. The relaxer has a ph between 11-14. I will post the number tomorrow if you would like to call them with additional questions.

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I hate when they say that. There is SO MUCH DIFFERENCE between a PH of 11 and 14. That's like saying you have between 100 and 1000 dollars.
MissB said:

I called the Mizani Hotline. The relaxer has a ph between 11-14. I will post the number tomorrow if you would like to call them with additional questions.

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B, do you know why it ranges? 13 or 14 is awfully high. I don't think I want to continue using it if that's the case. Do you like the Vitale Comfort better than Affirm? I saw Vitale at my local BSS.
I don't know why the range is so high but you can call them back and ask. I read somewhere that Affirm ranges from 9-13. My stylist says that the Affirm Fiberguard and Vitale High Comfort are comparable relaxers. But, I like the results of the Vitale just a little better. And I have seen the Vitale Sensitive Scalp relaxer at Sally's and other BSS.
Ok, so B the Vitale High Comfort is not there sensitive scalp relaxer? I saw the High comfort and mo' body at a BSS here. So I'm assuming the High Comfort is lye and it's just better for sensitives scalps ...Correct? Thanks girl, I can't swing the Mizani with the ph being so high. I will not repurchase.
The High Comfort relaxer is a lye relaxer with shea butter. It is part of the professional line, Vitale Pro. The Sensitive Scalp and Mo' Body relaxers are part of the consumer line. I believe that they are both no lye. I have only used the Tender Headed Relaxer (Calcium based) and the High Comfort. So, I really can't answer your question. I haven't heard back from Vitale yet on the High Comfort ph. Check out their website: www.vitalepro.com.

I would call my stylist. But, Thursday and Friday is prime time for hair dressers. I can put in a call next week if you still have questions.


Thanks girl. You answered my question. When you find out the ph of your relaxer let me know.
The Vitale Mo' Body is a lye relaxer and I think the other Sensitive Scalp is a no-lye. Does the High Comfort come in a mild formula? I like the Mo' Body, but it only comes in Regular and Super.

I am not sure about the strength on the High Comfort. The website says medium to resistant. I have only seen one version used at the salon. I know that some other members on the forum use High Comfort. Maybe we can PM them for more information.
Thanks for replying.

I'll probably keep using the Mo'body, if I can't find out online. I went to the BSS yesterday and they didn't have the High Comfort anyway
. They only had the Life & Body in one strength also.
Tracy said:
MissB said:

I called the Mizani Hotline. The relaxer has a ph between 11-14. I will post the number tomorrow if you would like to call them with additional questions.

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I hate when they say that. There is SO MUCH DIFFERENCE between a PH of 11 and 14. That's like saying you have between 100 and 1000 dollars.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, well that's not true, understand that the ph scales ranges from 0-14. 0-6 is acid and 7 is nuetral while 8-14 is alkaline, the person that was on the hotline prob isn't skilled enoug to state the exact ph, b/c they may not be a scientist and odn't want to be quoted b/c of legal issues that can surface when chemicals are involved. When you relax, your hair normally jumps to the PH balance of 12. , but I understand your comparison