Mizani Relaxer


New Member
Hi ladies I am planning on switching Relaxers, I am going from no lye to lye and I have decided to go with Mizani because I have heard many good things about it. My question is for the ladies who use this relaxer, I want to know what nuetrulizing shampoo do u use with it being that the Mizani line does not carry nuetralizer, also for anyone that uses their other products how are they? thanks in advance
i am also interested in this relaxer, by the way wat strenght are you going to use? mizani dies carry a neutralizing shampoo called phormula 7. I was wondering do you have to use the same brand of neutralizng shampoo as the relaxer?
I was thinking about Mild but when I went to the beauty supply I only seen Sensitive Scalp, I wonder if thats Mild. What other strengths do they have
they have mild but they have it worded as for fine/colortreated hair normal/medium and coarse and sensitve scalp which is no-lye the other ones are lye.
these are the lye relaxers


this one is sensitive scalp.


mizani has a neutralizing shampoo called phormula 7

i hope this helps
Oh ok thanks, I guess my beauty supply only sells the sensitive scalp, do u know where I can find the rest of the relaxers?
Hey when are u planning to relax ur hair? I am planning to relax in mid June, when are u going to relax, if u do before me keep me updated ok, and thanks again