Mixing Products


New Member
Has anyone ever mixed products together? I had African Pride Herbal Healing Leave In Conditioner, Lustrasilk Herbal Cholesterol Hair Mayonnaise, and Kids Organics Shea Butter De-tangling Moisturizing Hair Lotion. I mixed all their left overs together and deep conditioned with it. My hair felt awesome in the shower. Then I tried my new products I bought from the hair care expo last month. Adiva Natural Apple Cider Vinegar Clarifying Herbal Rinse and the Pineapple Cherry Hair and Skin Conditioner. So I used the rinse and it was weird. It was the first time I used a rinse so the tingling caught me way off guard. I also got it on my eye lid so I was scared to open my eye. Anywho... I poured water and my hair felt weird and kind of dry and crispy even though it was wet. I don't think I described that well. But I was basically preparing my hair to be braided tonight. I then used the conditioner which smells like Heaven! A little went a long way. It made my hair soft along with the black earth bodifer mist. I also use the blow dry tension method. Which I think I will use from now on. It was about the same time as a usual dry and I knew my hair wasn't breaking.

My hair feel sooooo great right now and I hope to use this low manipulation method of blow drying. The mixed product was a success. So after all my rambling did any of you do the hair product gumbo?
My deep conditioner is always a mixture of 2 or more conditioners. It *seems* to be better that way.
Honestly, I don't know that it makes all that much of a difference. Knowing me it could very well just be the Placebo Effect.:lol:
I try to avoid mixing commercial products together. The reason I do this is because I had a reaction to a conditioner and if I had mixed another commercial product with it I would have had no idea which product caused the problem or if it was the interaction between them.
I will add raw ingredients like oil, aloe, or honey to a deep conditioner to help it to work better though. I do mix raw ingredients to make things for my hair. I will also use styling products together (I've done this with Qhemet Biologics) if needed, but I make sure not to get it on my scalp.

I know that others have success doing it, but I'm not willing to risk it. I'm glad that you ladies had great results with it.
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I've had my moments where I mixed hair products on a whim. Right now I have a mix of shea butter and a little Creme of Nature carrot creme moisturizer.
I don't mix products, but I will add oils, honey, etc to a product. If you mix too many products, you will never "truly" know what is working for you and what's not. Then you may be stuck buying 50-11 products to get the same results....when really only two of them are really working.
Ummmm I think im obsessed with mixing products.... Its like a science to me... I forever do research, and cross reference ingredients for the perfect combination... Im like, its not right until its mixed! Everything I use has "fitty-leven" different products in it and my hair aint complaining lol. Definitely a good way to stretch those expensive products that come in those small, tight, bottles.:yep:
I have mixed giovanni direct leave in, africa's best liquid leave in mayo, a little aphogee green tea restructurizer, and water. And it made the best liquid leave in. I don't really like giovanni direct and africa's best liquid leave in seperately, but together they were amazing.
I have gotten my BEST results from mixing my products. I only do this with my DC's. I never mix unless I have tried a product by it's lonesome to see if my hair tolerates the product. I usually mix 3 DC's together with a teaspoon of Argan oil, and my hair just loves these combinations.
I no longer mix. If the product can't stand alone, its a waste and I don't want it.....on occasion I mix product I'm trying to get rid of.
Yes I sure do mix, i been mixing products long before I joined this forum. I love mixing especially my leave ins.
I have also mixed products but only because I could not handle the liquid runny mess of the aphogee. :nono:

I mix the aphogee liquid protein (the kind that hardens) with Lustrasilk Cholesterol Conditioner every 6 -8 wks as my hard core protein treatment. I leave it on with a plastic cap for approx 2-3 hours then I rinse.

I have not had a problem with this process as of yet.

Does anyone think I am not getting the full benefit of the hard core protein that aphogee provides by doing thi..:scratchch: just a side thought...
You guys are great for responding. I looked at the ingredients and a lot of them crossed. I just wanted to get rid of them and I didn't want it to waste. (Would have wasted if it didn't work so I got lucky) But The jar is half way so I will use it until its gone and focus on the products I currently have. I am realizing that less it more and some natural products like the rinse I used is a lot better for my hair.
I mix conditioners. Always have. Sometimes, I'll use one that's a good conditioner mixed with another one that just smells good.

But the best detangler I ever used was a mix of leave in conditioner (can't remember the brand! all I know was that it had a black nozzle cap...), EVOO, and warm water. The comb glided through my little sister's hair (she's all natural, with thick, coily hair) no problem, and left her hair soft and moisturized.
I mix conditioners with oils, and thats about it. I don't like mixing conditioners often, because its seems like they always cancel each other out, and I'm left with a gooey mess on my head, that neither moisturizes nor strengthens. If I do make a mix I use my leave-ins. I mix my phyto ultra nourishing leave in cream with my phyto relaxing balm. They work great together. The phyto ultra nourishing cream makes my hair soft, and moisturized, while the relaxing balm strengthens my hair and makes it shiny, and straight.