Mixing Leave-ins with DCs?


Well-Known Member
So I'm a pj and I have a few products (leave-ins and DCs) that don't really moisturize my hair. I usually mix oils & honey with my DCs, but I was wondering if mixing a leave-in & a DC together would be a good idea; for example, I just received my Qhemet olive & honey balm (lol I know there are soooo many raves about this product but it's not working for me) and I'm thinking of mixing it with the silk elements mega cholesterol (my hair didn't like this either).

I use to mix several DCs together which I know is fine, but I just wanted to know if anyone has had any success with a leave-in & DC combo. TIA
I am not sure how mixing a leave-in with your DC will be beneficial if you are going to rinse it out. The whole point of a leave-in is to be left in your hair. That's just my opinion. I do not have any research to back that. Hopefully some of the resident experts will chime in.
^^^Thanks for responding...I figured since qhemet (and other leave-ins) contain oils, glycerin, fatty alcohols it wouldn't hurt to try...I'm just trying to find a creative way to make these products work for my hair

Also, DC's are beneficial even though they're washed out..
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