Mini rant...


Well-Known Member
Ladies...I don't say much on the forum...I like to lurk but I just had to get this off of my chest. I was talking to my friend/co-worker and I said that I just had to get over it and get a trim (about 1/2 inch needs to go). I also stated that I hated to do it especially because my hair grows slow. Now I know my hair pretty well and I get 1/4- 1/2 inch a month. My friend then exclaims earnestly that "Of course it grows slow, you won't trim your hair so it can grow faster!" She said it in an exasperated tone. All I could do was shake my head. I just don't understand...did people not pay attention in biology class while in school? Hair grows from the scalp. Unless my ends split ALL the way up to my scalp then say that...and even then hair grows from OUT of the scalp. My rate of growth has nothing to do with trimming my ends...Sheesh!!!!

...and then when you try and correct that belief you get looked at as if you're crazy.

ok...I'm done. Thanks
I really never understood that when my mother said that to me. I'm like doesn't the hair grow from the scalp so how does cutting affect the hair growth. Now I realize that regular trimmings or dusting can help maintain hair growth but it's useless if you cut more hair then the actually growth.
lol lol cutting has nothing to do with how fast the hair grows. if it did i would cut my hair every 30 mins so my hair could be to the floor. i wish it WERE true..........
i swear, the next person who says that...i'm gonna say "and how's that working for you?", give em a slow look from head to toe, then flip my hair and shrug before i change the subject.
LOL!!!!! Her hair is actually ok...she keeps it weaved up but her edges have suffered. She hates cutting/trimming as well! (Don't we all?)...I woke up this morning feeling better because of my mini rant so thank you LHCF for the platform to express myself and for ladies who understand!!!!