Military women and/or wives


How do you maintain your hair when you travel? Do you protective style mostly? Im freaking out because my husband is going to the air force and I have to start all over and find a good salon. My wig regimen can be done for up to 3 months at a time. After that I usually visit a dominican salon.

What are your experiences with salons on base/off base? Any recommendations? Thanks ladies
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I'm a military wife and when were stationed in Japan I went from wearing weaves to natural b/c I couldn't find anyone to do my weave. Eventually I found a lady in military housing to do my braids. When were stationed in Florida I got a recommendation from another military wife for a hair salon and my hairdresser was excellent she did natural and relaxed hair. I don't have any advice on the on base hair salons b/c I've never tried them. My best advice would be to ask other active duty/military wives where they get their hair done, if you admire their hair. HTH. :) oh and when we traveled I did protective styles.
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When I was on Active Duty, I learned to use natural products. Olive Oil, Shea Butters, Coconut Oil/butter were my head-to-toe friends. It made packing easier too.

I must add that I usually kept my hair no shorter than shoulder length; this allowed for easier ponytails. I learned that Short hair while traveling or with helmets were not a good look for me (Halle Berry style cuts).
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Op I was active duty Air Force for 20 years. I always managed to find someone to do my hair even in Korea and Turkey. Most likely you'll find someone even if its a kitchen beautician lol once you start meeting other women where you are. I wouldn't stress over it. Sometimes, especially overseas, the base/post/camp salons can be decent. When I was deployed to Turkey, I lived in a tent but my hair was laid courtesy of a Turkish man lol. People thought I was stationed there because my hair was always done and it only costed $12 for my hair, nails, and eye brow threading back in 1995 lol.
Thanks ladies. Im natural so I guess I will experiment with natural hairstyles, wear wigs and when I want straight hair I can come back to Texas :)
I'm active duty Air Force and I've learned to do a lot my self
I'm stationed in Japan and the on base salon is a nightmare
Occasionally I'll see someone with nice hair here and inquire about who did it
My husband and I remained stateside while he was active but I located salons by asking ladies at my job and church. I was also not afraid to ask random ladies I bumped into at the store. Braids were my fall back plan until I found a salon I liked.

AF typically has a squadron/unit spouse booster club. If you're lucky, you may be able to find a friend there who is familiar with the area.

Get to know the ppl around you, they serve as great tour guides to help in situations such as this.
