

Well-Known Member
I'm getting micro braids next mth. Any suggestion on how to take care of them. I'll be keeping them until the summer. I'm trying to grow my hair out to at least bra strap. Right now it grazes my shoulders. I"m not on any type of regimine. I'll be getting the straight hair. My hair is fine, but healthy, do you think it can stand micros?
I used to wear micros a few years back with human hair. I loved them and didn't have any problems until time came to take them out. I felt like I lost way too much hair, but thankfully my hair has always been pretty resilient when it comes to braids.

The best suggestion I can make is Adrienne's tried and true daily spraying with S-Curl Activator. (I can't thank you ENOUGH for that one girl!) Keep your hair moist, wash them once a week just like you would your own hair and be careful about the pulling of hair around your hairline.

Anybody have more to add?

I don't recommend microbraids on relaxed hair. Unfortunately I have been there and done that and it didn't work out too well. Like the last post stated I think the problem come in when it's time to take them out. Relaxed hair in the 1st place has to be handled with care because it's fragile. I currently still wear microbraids, but my hair has been natural for 14 months now. My hair is much stronger, healthier and most of all chemical free so I have no problems with my hair thinning out.