Men cheat physically, women cheat emotionally


Well-Known Member
One of Twitter friends tweeted "Men cheat physically, and women cheat emotionally." and a lot of people RT his tweet in total agreement. No one expounded on it, but I thought it might make for an interesting discussion. What does this mean to you? Do you agree?
I can't speak for anyone else, but that would be the reason I would cheat, because I'm missing something emotional in my relationship, so I'd probably try to find that somewhere else.

Ok, I just read my post over and it sounded like I actually did cheat. I've never cheated, sorry I just had to clarify and stress that. That ain't me ladies. I meant if I had a reason to cheat, a lack of emotion in my relationship would be why.
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I will have to agree with this. We as women are emotional creatures by nature. When we don't get the hugging, kissing, hand holding, I love you's etc, etc from the one we're with, most go and look for it else where. With some men, all the other woman needs is a big butt and a smile and he's gotta have it. Women are led by their hearts and men by their heads(the little one):look:
I agree with that..women are really suckas for emotion and sensitivity. Men are visual by nature. HOwever, Creolesugarface has a great point. There may be men who get emotionally involved and then leads to physical and women who get in physically and then they realise that deeper feelings are developing.

But generally, i agree with Men= physical, women= emotional
I agree...

Of course there are exceptions to every rule. You will have the occasional woman who cheat because she is, well...horny. However, a great majority of women cheat because they are lacking attention/affection/love from their SO.

Men, well we all know they will stray just to stray. Most cant even give a reason why.
I disagree..

I believe both male and female cheat physically and emotionally…

Unfortunately my brother cheated on his ex-wife emotionally…. Before he cheated physically… My ex-sister in law wasn’t a very affectionate person (ie: showing him love and affection, cuddling, or just laying around and watching TV together as he would say) and my brother craved attention and affection from her but didn’t get it…
i cheated for physical lustful reasons in the PAST--had nothing to do with my emotions--i was just being greedy/lusting/falling to temptation--lol

i think both men and women cheat physically and emotionally---
In my opinion the statement implies that to make a man cheat offhand, it can be something physical, but for a women to cheat, she is missing and seeking something emotional. Yes, both genders cheat for both reasons, but it’s easier for a man to cheat physically and for a women to cheat emotionally. For a woman to cheat physically, usually it takes a lot. Usually a woman’s infidelities are emotional and never really lead to anything physical.

If a man is missing something emotional at home, he will leave. If a woman is missing something emotional, she will stay and hope for him to change.
I think it all begins in the emotional phase and then next comes physical. One thing always leads to the next.
I agree that women are emotional cheaters the reason why we cheat is because our relationships are lacking something which is most likely affection.

The reason why men cheat is because they want to add extra numbers to the count not to mention some lack in things too.

Men usually gets hurt more when the women cheat simply because they know its emotional and once we go that route we also have a bond with that other person