Men Are Now ‘marrying Up’ More Than Women: Study


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Look who’s social climbing.

Men are now “marrying up” more than women due to significant increases in highly educated — and paid — females. That’s the gender-upending finding of University of Kansas sociologist ChangHwan Kim.


The pattern of marriage and its economic consequences have changed over time,” said Kim, who specializes in such subjects as social stratification. “Now women are more likely to get married to a less-educated man.”

The research, published in the journal Demography, is based on U.S. Census data from 1990 and 2000 and the 2009-11 American Community Survey. Kim and co-author Arthur Sakamoto, of Texas A&M University, focused on education and earnings of people 35-44 years of age.

They found that the number of highly educated unmarried women exceeds the number of single men in the same boat. Consequently, women are more likely to be married to a less-educated man — and earning a higher income than him.

When it comes to wives bringing home more bacon, Kim notes that “men don’t complain a lot about this.”

That’s because, he added, the actual quality of life is determined by “family income rather than by personal earnings. It seems fine for men because their wife is now bringing more income to the household.”

This shift in hypergamy — wedding someone from a higher social strata — illuminates a change in the marital tie that binds.

“Marriage is now becoming more egalitarian and becoming equal,” Kim said. “If you look at gender dynamics or from a marriage-equality standpoint, that is a really good sign.”
Is it really surprising? Feminist declared that they wanted to work and get educated. They just didn't realize that men weren't going to do the same. So now we have a strain on the family, with moms doing 70% of the housework, childrearing and cooking on top of it. It's time we stopped carrying them. Men need to do better.
It's all fun and games until the breadwinner decides to stay at home and take care of the kids.

I feel like this whole "women can do the same thing as men" mantra is overrated. Women are supposed to bring home the bacon, cook it and clean up afterwards while all a dude has to do now is eat. That does not sit well with me, but if women love it then I guess I'm in the minority.
The only reason this article was written is because this is happening to white women now instead of just black women. Women shouldn't stop what we're doing, just marry accordingly. My husband doesn't have to make more than me. But we have to be able to live comfortably on his income alone.

This. I remember my instructor in college telling us how his niece was a Physician's Assistant who got married to an Entenmann's truck driver.

He was so pissed about it lmao
I'm old fashioned so I feel my husband should earn more than me. If I earn more than him it would have to be by an insignificant amount. I've watched my single friends date men that earn less than they do and it seems like there's a certain mindset that goes along with it from the male perspective.

I feel like men who don't mind a woman paying for things are passive...
It is what it is. Nobody is going to advocate for girls to stop going to college and getting jobs (which would be ridiculous) so here we are. Advise your daughters accordingly.

We have to do better than that. We need to make certain our sons go to college and earn good wages. We need to instill values in them early. That a man takes care of his family and works hard so that his wife can feel supported. Force their fathers, grandfathers, uncles and other role models to teach him the value of being a breadwinner and strive to acheive more. Make certain that we connect them with the right people who can get them into the right schools, the right jobs, and help them advance their careers.

And naturally, tell sons early that they need I get married. A boy has girlfriend, a man gets married. I don't think they take that as seriously as women. But if momma says it, they will make it a priority. By age 29 or else. "When you getting married?" Should be a catch phrase by senior year of college.

It does no good to advise our daughters without also focusing on our sons.
There is also a level of disrespectful laziness and lack of ambition among a lot of men
Indian girl I know gets married family gives them a hotel as a wedding present. Fast for 6 yrs. She is slaving at the hotel with 2 kids her college educated DH does the bare min smokes and drinks, cheats and buys flashy cars.
I've heard some men say I don't want to work too hard. But you don't have a side gig, content to be middle of the road in job you have and then have the nerve to like expensive stuff and make a BS salary.

99% of the time you can't have a huge income gap where the woman makes the larger portion and have it work out.

I'm not made to make the bacon, cook, and serve it too. And non ambitious men do not make me in the mood to give them the goodies
One of my hubby's work friends married a man that makes less than half what she makes. She's a project manager at her company, makes really good money, has her own home, and the dude is a driller (not a joke) that worked for one of the companies she contracted. She flirted with him for years (even baked him cookies :barf:) while he lived with some girl who was a violent and skanky meth head in her parents house (She knew this and persisted, I'd be terrified of catching something). When Meth gal broke up with him, and kicked him out, he finally asked her out and proposed like 3 months later, probably less. You know, he needed a better place to stay.

They got married three years ago. He's still doing the same job. She just got a new job making more money. They have a baby. He comes home tired, and drinks. A lot. She's one of those "It's 2017, I can do it all" chicks but never misses a chance to emasculate him. Couldn't be me.
Well men tend to be heavily concentrated in blue collar professions which there are less of, and certainly less that pay worth anything. Pink collar professions actually pay better and still are heavily female and tend to require some type of education nowadays.
Surely you jest with all the anecdotal six figure construction workers, ups drivers, garbage men and other blue collar millionaires next door that come up in every educated woman marriage conversation. :spinning: You mean to tell me these educated women are marrying these dudes and come to find out they really are making regla degla money. Color me shocked.
We have to do better than that. We need to make certain our sons go to college and earn good wages. We need to instill values in them early. That a man takes care of his family and works hard so that his wife can feel supported. Force their fathers, grandfathers, uncles and other role models to teach him the value of being a breadwinner and strive to acheive more. Make certain that we connect them with the right people who can get them into the right schools, the right jobs, and help them advance their careers.

And naturally, tell sons early that they need I get married. A boy has girlfriend, a man gets married. I don't think they take that as seriously as women. But if momma says it, they will make it a priority. By age 29 or else. "When you getting married?" Should be a catch phrase by senior year of college.

It does no good to advise our daughters without also focusing on our sons.

Yes all of that too but for the education gap that exists right now, young women need to be advised not to settle.
Yes all of that too but for the education gap that exists right now, young women need to be advised not to settle.
When you said daughters, I assumed you were talking about children like 10-17 that still lived at home. Keep in mind, once they start college it's a lot harder to get them to listen. Surrounded by brainwashed friends and hoteps, they will adopt that "work with a brother" mentality. However, if we believe that we can get our adult daughters to aim higher then we should be able to get our adult sons to do better.

As for the rest of our same aged friends and family there is little we can do. Law of average states that many of us will settle. You just have to pray it won't be you.
The way I see it , there is no long term solution to this.

More women are going to college and are getting well paid jobs. Period. The disparity is even bigger within the black community.
The number of available single black men that went to college and earn more than me is low.
And yes like someone mentioned its starting to happen to white women too.