Megatek question


New Member
Hi Ladies, I am an off and on again member. I don't usually post, I log on and look for questions to my hair problems and on my way I go. The last time I was lurking around MTG was the big rave for hair growth, so I hopped on the bandwagon and loved it. Not sure about how much it made my hair growth, because I dont have a problem with that, if it happens it happens. My hair is always shoulder length unless I cut it. Never tried getting beyond that.

Anywho, my question is about megatek. I did my search and everyone rave about the growth and health it has done for their hair. Healthy hair is what I aim for. What is MT? is it a conditioner, or hair lotion? also how often do you use it. Also what do most of the women mean it make their hair shed. does it thin your hair out wwhen it sheds?

Any info will be gladly appreciated.

that's ladies.

Long Hair and Good Health.
Here is one thread from yesterday with some info:

You might consider searching for the Challenge threads which tend to have lots of info about Megatek (MT). It is a conditioner. Many either use it on the length of their hair during the conditioning process or as a "scalp" treatment for growth.

Here are a few other links to threads that should help you:***.html
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I liked MT much better then MTG. MT is a light horse protein. Its a conditioner like consistancy. I use MT to "grease" my scalp nightly. You can put its on the length of your hair but if use other proteins it s not a good idea. It does make your hair shed but you can take garlic pills or conditioners to help with that