Maxiglide: Yay or Nay?

Maxiglide - Yay or Nay?

  • Yay! I love it!

    Votes: 90 29.9%
  • Nay! It's terrible and I wish I never used it.

    Votes: 39 13.0%
  • I've never used a Maxiglide flat iron, but I want to.

    Votes: 114 37.9%
  • I don't know.

    Votes: 58 19.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I'm seriously considering purchasing a Maxiglide flat iron, but I'm a little worried about the tiny teeth pulling my hair. What are some of your good and/or bad experiences with the Maxiglide?
I just bought a used one from someone on the forum. The teeth plates are removable so you don't have to use them. SO far, I have just used them to straighten my daughters hair and I really didn't want to get it very straight because she tends to think she's grown when I do that. But so far, I love it. I say YAY!:p
Guyaneek said:
SO far, I have just used them to straighten my daughters hair and I really didn't want to get it very straight because she tends to think she's grown when I do that.

Aww! :lol:
I am glad i sold mines!
after using it i never was EMPRESS by it at all so i lost my receipt to send it back,gladly i already sold it to someone

I think its for natural/coarse hair its gets really really hot for my hair.

I wouldnt recommand nobody to buy one (SHHHHHHSHHHH)NOWAY HECK NO.
I absolutely LOVE and am INLOVE with my Maxiglide. I always use the teeth. Just make sure your hair is detangle and combed thru first b4 u use the teeth.
I am 20 weeks post relaxer right now and looks like I got a touchup
I Highly recommend it. That steam button is the truth!!
I really like mine. The teeth are beneficial especially for natural hair/new growth.

Here is a pic of maxiglided hair with 10 months of new growth (during transition). I use setting 4 out of 10 because I wasn't trying to have any permanently straightened hair.

The only thing I do not like is the size. I have very small hands so I have to use both my hands to glide it down my hair.
sylver2 said:
I absolutely LOVE and am INLOVE with my Maxiglide. I always use the teeth. Just make sure your hair is detangle and combed thru first b4 u use the teeth.
I am 20 weeks post relaxer right now and looks like I got a touchup
I Highly recommend it. That steam button is the truth!!

Ditto!! I love my Maxiglide!
I really love my Maxiglide! :grin:

When I'm due for a touch-up, it makes my roots look freshly done, I can stretch for a much longer time that I used to. And I like the steam button, I really think it puts moisture back into my hair.

And if you do buy one, DON'T turn it up too high...this thing gets so hot it will do serious damage to your hair. I use setting one or two, and my hair comes out straight as a arrow. :D
i just luv my MG. I've never used it over setting #1, i have 7 inches of natural hair and the rest is relaxed. Both textures get nice and straight, are smooth and silky feeling. My hair reverts back to naps as soon as the poo water hits it.

I love the pins and have never lost any hair because of them in fact, i've never even changed the plates at all so can't tell ya how the flatplate w/out pins works. I don't use the steam burst all the time but it works great, seems to infuse moisture and does not cause my hair to poof at all.

i have pics in my fotki - any straight hair pics are using a MG.

If you get one, be sure to get a GOOD heat protectant, detangle your hair well before ironing and don't try to iron too large a hunk of hair at one time.

you should be good to go.
I honestly didn't like it because the teeth pulled my hair and I suffered mild breakage from it. I know that some people just say "don't use the plates with the teeth" but then what's the point of even getting a Maxiglide if you're not going to use it's most "famous" feature? Might as well get regular flat-iron without my Solia; I love it!!!

By the way, the maxiglide was too bulky also.

UPDATE 5/29/08: I bought another maxiglide (the new MP), and really like it on my natural hair. The review above was based on maxiglide usage on hair that was overprocessed. With already overprocessed hair, the pulling pins didn't make my hair any better.
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I tried the Maxiglide yesterday for the first time, and it did a really nice job straighting my hair. I'm transitioning and have 8 months of new growth. My hair is very fine, and the Maxiglide did pull some hair out. I had to make an extra effort to make sure that each section was detangled in order for hair not to be pulled. I was surprised at the amount of heat that the Maxiglide puts out, I kept the temp on 1 the entire time, and actually cut it off a couple of times to cool it down. I don't think, I'll be using it regularly, this was the first time I straighten my hair in close to 3 months and I do not want to damage the new growth with excess heat.
TSUprincess04 said:
I honestly didn't like it because the teeth pulled my hair and I suffered mild breakage from it. I know that some people just say "don't use the plates with the teeth" but then what's the point of even getting a Maxiglide if you're not going to use it's most "famous" feature? Might as well get regular flat-iron without my Solia; I love it!!!

By the way, the maxiglide was too bulky also.

Your hair looks adorable, TSUprincess! And I love that polka dot scarf!:)
TSUprincess04 said:
I honestly didn't like it because the teeth pulled my hair and I suffered mild breakage from it. I know that some people just say "don't use the plates with the teeth" but then what's the point of even getting a Maxiglide if you're not going to use it's most "famous" feature? Might as well get regular flat-iron without my Solia; I love it!!!

By the way, the maxiglide was too bulky also.
Your hair is REALLY pretty..... I just ordered on from someone on here.... I cant wait
TSUprincess04 said:
I honestly didn't like it because the teeth pulled my hair and I suffered mild breakage from it. I know that some people just say "don't use the plates with the teeth" but then what's the point of even getting a Maxiglide if you're not going to use it's most "famous" feature? Might as well get regular flat-iron without my Solia; I love it!!!

By the way, the maxiglide was too bulky also.

Your hair is looking so pretty:-)

With the teeth..u are not suppose to press together real hard. Make sure the plates don't actually touch your hair and the teeth will glide right thru with no hard pressing. Its not like a regular flat iron where u have to press both plates together. The heat and steam actually straghten your hair moreso then the iron itself. Thats why I love it, the plates never touch my hair like all the other irons.
gharp001 said:
I tried the Maxiglide yesterday for the first time, and it did a really nice job straighting my hair. I'm transitioning and have 8 months of new growth. My hair is very fine, and the Maxiglide did pull some hair out. I had to make an extra effort to make sure that each section was detangled in order for hair not to be pulled. I was surprised at the amount of heat that the Maxiglide puts out, I kept the temp on 1 the entire time, and actually cut it off a couple of times to cool it down. I don't think, I'll be using it regularly, this was the first time I straighten my hair in close to 3 months and I do not want to damage the new growth with excess heat.

I noticed this as well, I keep it on 1 too. I wish it didn't get so hot.

How are u guys able to get your roots really well? I can always feel a slight curl/wave at my roots. Is it even possible to get it perfectly straight at the roots or would you need a pressing comb for that?
The first couple of times I tried it, pre-LHCF, I tried to use it without blowing out the hair first. I think it pulled some of my curls out and I was ready to throw it out. However, yesterday, I used it on my daughter after a ponytail rollerset and was impressed. I kept the temp at setting 4 and it came out great. We are both naturals -- she's a 3c and I'm a 4 something. The MG is a keeper
I love the maxiglide. I have had one for almost a year. I have been doing a lot of rollersets or airdry. However, I saw this thread and decided to flat iron in order to be able to give an accurate review. I had not flat ironed since I started using henna and I loved the results. The shine from the flat ironing really showed the henna color. I like the maxiglide because I have thin (not so thin now - MTG, MSM and henna) and I can use the maxiglide on 3 and get a really really good shine.
I LOVED my Maxiglide until the coat on the plates started chipping, about 1 year after purchase. :(

I am not spending another $80 for a product that will last me 1 year so my next flat iron purchase will NOT be Maxiglide.
I have a maxiglide but, have not used it yet because I'm trying to go without any heat for a while. How often can u use the maxiglide without damage? once, twice a week? :confused:
I love my MG thanks to a LHCF member!!!!

nicki6-thanks for looking out!!!!!

Here is a picture of the MG results


TSUprincess04 said:
I honestly didn't like it because the teeth pulled my hair and I suffered mild breakage from it. I know that some people just say "don't use the plates with the teeth" but then what's the point of even getting a Maxiglide if you're not going to use it's most "famous" feature? Might as well get regular flat-iron without my Solia; I love it!!!

By the way, the maxiglide was too bulky also.

I just used the maxiglide about 30 minutes ago and I'm completely disappointed. :( I agree that it is bulky, which makes it hard to handle, and it's hard to get the roots straight.

My hair is completely natural and somewhat coarse (it was pressed in the avatar), so the teeth pulled several strands of my hair out no matter how much I combed it beforehand.

Make sure that if you buy this product, keep your receipt and keep it on a setting of less than 3 since it gets very hot. I kept it on 1 and that was hot. I think this product should only be using by those who have hair that is strong enough to take that type of manipulation.
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I was considering getting one for V day of all things (PJ in effect). They had them on If any of you ladies that hate it want to get rid of it let me know...Ra (syvler2) has me soooo ready to get one with this description:

sylver2 said:
With the teeth..u are not suppose to press together real hard. Make sure the plates don't actually touch your hair and the teeth will glide right thru with no hard pressing. Its not like a regular flat iron where u have to press both plates together. The heat and steam actually straghten your hair moreso then the iron itself. Thats why I love it, the plates never touch my hair like all the other irons.

This is the only thing that worries me:
Jessy55 said:
I LOVED my Maxiglide until the coat on the plates started chipping, about 1 year after purchase. :(
I didn't vote because I don't HATE the Maxiglide. But, I have used a HAI iron for years now. And when I flat-ironed my hair, I would hold the flat iron really tight to ensure my hair got "flat." But you can't do that with the Maxiglide; you can't hold it tight. So, it was hard for me to get used to. And for $70-80, I didn't want to "practice" with it. I needed it to work for me immediately. So, I took mines back.
all flatirons seem to get my hair the same straightness, even the cheapy 30 dollar conairs. so i wouldnt buy a maxiglide for myself. my chi works just fine.
I think it's "so so". You have to make sure your hair is properly moisturized (i.e. moisturizing shampoos/conditioner, deep conditioner, moisturizing creme leave-in, etc.) and well protected (i.e. serum) before using because I think it can be drying. I use the teeth per LHCF member's instructions of "sweeping" teeth part of iron over hair in one movement. I think the steam contributed to the thinning of my hair last year. I've only used it once in the last 10 months to grow out my hair. So I'm still iffy about it.