Maxiglide Results! I Loooove It!


Well-Known Member
Well I couldn't find the original post where we were all going to come back and post the results of our Maxiglides after we just bought them recently so I will just leave my results here. I purchased the XP a couple of weeks ago. It came with some haircare products as well and I decided I would test it out on my daughter first as that is who I was really buying it for. She is 4B Natural I am relaxed.

I decided to use all the products it came with just so I can see how it would work with the products they "intend" for you to use with them. The Moisturizing Shampoo worked great. I did deep condition with her regular ORS. But then I followed up with their moisturizing conditioner. So far very good results. I then put on the Beyond Straight Temporary Straightner! That stuff is the ISH!! Not only did it keep her hair from getting frizzy in our humid weather but after about 5 days of having her straight I decided to use it on dry hair to touch up for a ponytail style I was giving her and whatever small amount of frizz that tried to come back was gone. Didn't even have to use the Maxiglide. Her straight hair lasted the whole week! And the steam just did something beautiful to her hair. Ya it didn't get it bone bone straight but it got it straight with this soft shiny texture. I loved it. So the pics of her hair are below.

As for me let me tell you I am deathly afraid of flat irons. I have not flat ironed in over a year. But I sucked it up after seeing how my daughter's hair turned out. I am 9 weeks post so I concentrated on my roots. I didn't use their product I used my normal shampoo and conditioners and followed up with my leave-in and Chi Silk Serum. Can I say OMG!!! It turned out amazing!! My roots felt as though they had received a perm they were so straight!! And as with my daughter my hair was left soooo shiny and soft. And I swear it has completely slowed down some of my shedding. Weird I know. But I really think it is the STEAM!! I don't own a steamer but I really think that if steamer from a steamer is so healthy for your hair why wouldn't the Maxiglide work with the same concept I noticed a huuuuuuge difference in my hair. Very healthy feeling.

And to end my looooong post LOL! My mother came to visit this weekend and I decided to try it out on her hair. She is relaxed but her hair will frizz up in a heartbeat. Like a little relaxed fro if that is possible. I used the straightener stuff on her dry hair. She didn't even wash it and then Maxiglided away. She has short hair and I have the larger Maxiglide. I had no problems. When I was done her hair was amazing! Once again shiny and soft. I am sorry I didn't take a pic cuz I really should have to show ya'll. She is now ordering one LOL! Okay so I am done. Hope this helps someone.

Sorry about the gigantic pics. I couldn't figure out how to make them smaller. She would kill me if she knew how big these pics ended up on here LOL!!



She needs a trim I know LOL
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Your daughter is so cute! I have yet to use my maxiglide since I've been natural. Now I want to. She has ALOT of hair! And I like her braces. :lol: I think kids are cute with braces.
beautiful results! and your daughter has gorgeous eyes, lucky girl.

i was thinking about getting a maxiglide but wasn't sure about the steam because i heard one person say that it made their hair frizz up. i'm just terrified of heat and i know steam is much better for our hair. maybe i'll get it next month
YAY look at all that hair.

I'm glad you dig that maxi. Isn't it awesome!?

Your daughter is beautiful and I WANT HER EYEBROWS!!!
Yes I absolutely love it!! I just can't explain how healthy it makes your hair look and feel when you are done with it. And I forgot to mention they tell you not to press all the way down when sliding it across your hair. If you do you may snag your hair. It does perfectly when you just glide it across your hair. Hence the name LOL! Thanks so much for all of your compliments. I will tell her when she gets home from school. BTW the princess room is her little sister's room. She would want me to tell ya'll that because she totally is not into princesses LOL!
Great job mommy! She is so pretty. I have all of that stuff that came with my maxi glide. Glad to hear that you got good results using them.
Noooooooo I already had my mind set on another brand for my next flat iron. Now I'm reconsidering