Maxiglide Owners/Users! This 4b needs you!!


I got a Maxglide for Christmas from my wonderful SO he heard me mention that a member on this board( Mrs.TheBronx) :rolleyes:told me that my hair wont revert with a Maxi Glide. So'''' It was the first gift I got to open and after jumping up and down- :grin:I realized that I do not know how to operate this thing and why wouldnt my hair revert with steam- My hair loves steam. It boings even more for steam....:nono:
Simply- I need help. Alot.I heard its all in technique so Im begging for help. Alot. I think the Maxiglide is a hint though he loves my natural hair- he remembers when I still had a perm. So if one day- he comes home and my hair is bouncin and behavin.......
I have never ever used the steam blast but a lot of women here swear by it. It may take a few times using the maxiglide to get comfortable with it due to it's size. My biggest tip for you would be to take your time and do small sections. Here is a picture of my hair a few months a go when I maxiglided my mostly 4a hair:

One more tip, make sure your hair is detangled well before swiping. The teeth can cause some tears if you aren't careful.
Okay, when i was maxigliding on my natural hair i'd do it this way, i'd wash, condition, put on whatever products, then braid it in 8 braids, then I'd undo one braid at a time and maxiglide each of the 3 sections then move on. that way my hair wasn't TOO curlykinky for the maxi to glide thru.
I only used the steam on the ends (SOMETIMES) but usually didn't use it.
I think i got used to it the 2nd time i used it. it's a lil odd to maneuver the first time. Good luck, also remember to use good products on your hair to help in maxi's awesome straghtenin power. (i'm sucha maxi fan)
My only advice is dont turn it up too is super super hot if u turn it all the way up. I would start on a low setting and raise the temp a little if needed.
tips for the ends? how do you guys get them to not look crappy haha! mine look like a matted tangled mess despite the fact that everything else looks ok

also i think i put on TOO MANY products when i glided :/ the MG burned that ish away and my hair was left feeling weighted down...

please give us (i mean her lol) more advice. i got my MG about 2 days ago so we are in the same boat!! lol
i dunno about anyone else, but i kinda curve/turn the maxi when i get to the ends so it creates a lil bend under at the ends. don't do it too abruptly so the ends of your hair make a freaking L shape tho.
i dunno about anyone else, but i kinda curve/turn the maxi when i get to the ends so it creates a lil bend under at the ends. don't do it too abruptly so the ends of your hair make a freaking L shape tho.

Thanks !
Great Hair!!!!:rolleyes:
i dunno about anyone else, but i kinda curve/turn the maxi when i get to the ends so it creates a lil bend under at the ends. don't do it too abruptly so the ends of your hair make a freaking L shape tho.

I do the same thing. In fact, I think that's how they did it in the infomercial. I only use the steam for frizzy sections and I keep the setting at 1, which is hot enough for me.
i was doing it on the 5th setting AND i used the steam thingy like crazy lol

im paranoid about heat damage so maybe i should lower it?
ok so i used my MG 2 days ago (i think). i exercised today. the parts that i used the steam burts on are still pretty straight (please revert please revert lol). my roots are nappy though because i didnt use the burst... its kinda funny

but hey! IT WORKS! it looks like if i want my hair to last longer, i must use the steam function. im gunna wash next tuesday and hope that it reverts... though it should after all the heat protecting products i used and the minimal level of heat applied (5th setting is considered low, right?)

ah well... its not bone straight... it (still) looks like a really good blow out. im pleased :D but my ends are still crap! lol
I just got one also. The steam feature left my ends feeling really soft. I didn't use it all over my hair because my hair was already flat ironed , I wanted to test it out on my ends because they were looking raggedy. I can't wait until my next wash so I can try it again.
my hair reverted fine :D

i did part of my hair tonight on the 4th setting. the last time i MGed, i trimmed my ends (about 1 inch) and sealed with oil. well guess what? my ends look as if i never even trimmed! they are still crappy looking lol. i have no idea how to get around this problem! this time, i tried the turning/ bumping method... still no success

this is the holy grail, ladies lol. if i find the solution to this problem, it will be money :D
I got mine in today. I tried it out on just a section of my hair. It came out really straight. It says to steam 3 inches away from your scalp. My heat setting was on 2/3, that was def hot enough for me, but then again I'm relaxed. :look: It seemed very easy to use, just like any other flat-iron. Just don't clap down on it too hard and try to detangle/comb your hair through a lil, before flat-ironing, so the little pins won't pull your hair out. :yep:
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I can't say enough about heat protection..go ahead slather it on! I used Maxius Beyond Straight and The End for my recent Maxiglide. I also used it on the very 1st setting. It made my hair bone str8...which was a bit scary. But I napped back up with my very next work out!


Just as flat as a fresh relaxer. I DID NOT trim my ends I just wrapped it and had smooth hair in the morning.
I'm texlaxed now, but when I was natural I also used the MG and let me tell you the best thing I ever did was invest in a "Smooth Down" shampoo and conditioner. Because these made it very easy to MG my 4a/b hair.

I have a lot of texture left with my texlax so I def still use my MG and I'm happy with the results. I hardly ever use the steam burst, those teeth :rolleyes: are what works for me. It straightens my hair like nothing else! :yep:

I can't say enough about Redken Smooth Down or Paul Mitchell Silky Straight line if you're trying to wear natural hair straight, those products work! The MG is the icing on the cake.
I got a Maxglide for Christmas from my wonderful SO he heard me mention that a member on this board( Mrs.TheBronx) :rolleyes:told me that my hair wont revert with a Maxi Glide. So'''' It was the first gift I got to open and after jumping up and down- :grin:I realized that I do not know how to operate this thing and why wouldnt my hair revert with steam- My hair loves steam. It boings even more for steam....:nono:
Simply- I need help. Alot.I heard its all in technique so Im begging for help. Alot. I think the Maxiglide is a hint though he loves my natural hair- he remembers when I still had a perm. So if one day- he comes home and my hair is bouncin and behavin.......
So, have you used your Maxi Glide yet?
I'm texlaxed now, but when I was natural I also used the MG and let me tell you the best thing I ever did was invest in a "Smooth Down" shampoo and conditioner. Because these made it very easy to MG my 4a/b hair.

I have a lot of texture left with my texlax so I def still use my MG and I'm happy with the results. I hardly ever use the steam burst, those teeth :rolleyes: are what works for me. It straightens my hair like nothing else! :yep:

I can't say enough about Redken Smooth Down or Paul Mitchell Silky Straight line if you're trying to wear natural hair straight, those products work! The MG is the icing on the cake.

Ooh I 'm going to try these products next time I Maxiglide.
So, have you used your Maxi Glide yet?

I am waiting till April for the AAA reveal if one is scheduled. I'm still scared of it- but I bought the kit that it comes with and hopefully in unison I can get a temporary straightening! You are 2 sweet for asking! Ill post success or failure on my Fotki!