Maxi Glide users..FYI


Well-Known Member
I dont know if this was put out there already but, I have the 1st Maxiglide...I was about to by a new one from HSN for over 100 bucks..the upgraded version becasue my Maxi broke..(the heat dial) anyways..decided to contatct Customer Service..they told me to send in my old one and they would upgrade me for a big discount..49.99 for the new upgraded Maxi glide and free ship!..and here I was about to spend 100.00 plus shipping...I am very happy..

So if you have the old Maxi like I can get the Maxi XP or MP for a discount..or upgraded for free if you still under warrenty..mines is a few yrs old..:ohwell:
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WOW, this is great. Did you need to send a reciept or proof of purchase with your old MG?
No..didnt need only need the recipt if you are still under warrenty , but i ahve had this Maxi for about 4 years i all i needed to do was send it in , get a confirmation..and they would call me when they receive it, so I could order the new one..:yep:..

I just bought a new one but I'm contacting them about my old one. It's not working right. So, I'll just have 2.
Oh asummertyme, girl you should have been bumping this thread right and left. It should not have only 4 responses in a thread like this.
dayng i feel bad..i thought no one really cared! but dangnabbit we need to get the word out on this one..i didnt know so many of us used the maxi!
PS for those that didnt see my prior new maxi MP is not working properly since i dropped it really hard..ima send it in for a new one for free under the warrenty...will update on what happens as i go thru the process..
dayum..i just realized i did this in glad im still under the 1 yr warrenty..i thought it was later than around may...glad it broke now instead of in 3 mos...
wow thanks....great info--i too have the first one...and actually need a new flat iron so ifi can get an upgrade that would be great....

but i want to know will they upgrade if my maxi isnt broken---i dont use it because its too heavy for my hands but its in failry decent condition i guess i gotta call them....

still useful info though

I dont know if this was put out there already but, I have the 1st Maxiglide...I was about to by a new one from HSN for over 100 bucks..the upgraded version becasue my Maxi broke..(the heat dial) anyways..decided to contatct Customer Service..they told me to send in my old one and they would upgrade me for a big discount..49.99 for the new upgraded Maxi glide and free ship!..and here I was about to spend 100.00 plus shipping...I am very happy..

So if you have the old Maxi like I can get the Maxi XP or MP for a discount..or upgraded for free if you still under warrenty..mines is a few yrs old..:ohwell:
wow thanks....great info--i too have the first one...and actually need a new flat iron so ifi can get an upgrade that would be great....

but i want to know will they upgrade if my maxi isnt broken---i dont use it because its too heavy for my hands but its in failry decent condition i guess i gotta call them....

still useful info though
I believe they wil upgrade you with no problem..i wasnt under warrenty at all so they didnt even care what was wrong with it..they just upgraded me to the newer model becuase mines was give them a call..they have excellent cust serv!!:yep: