Massaged and Scrithing: My scalp is SOOOOOOO SOOOORREEE!!!!!


Genius never dies!

Every three days or so I've been gently massaging my scalp. The other day I even tried the "scritching" method (thanks Candy_C). I used Ayurveda oils and ReddTweetyB's Gro-Aut oils for the massages.

Ladies, my scalp is SOOOOO SOORREEE!! It's so sore and tender that it hurts tremendously.

Well, I got online and did a Google search on sore/tender scalp. The prognosis has been mixed. Some information I got is that sore/tender scalp is not a good indication. In fact, it could indicate some scalp problems. However, I came across other discussions where soreness/tenderness of the scalp indicates growth.

Has there been any scientific work done in this area that can provide some clue as what sore scalp means?

In the meantime, what should I do about the discomfort? I'm too scared to even touch my hair.:ohwell: own scalp aches for you. I don't know the answer, BUT, I do know that my scalp has never been able to tolerate lots of manipulation. I have tried in the past to do regular massages, but over a few days my scalp would become very sore. It never caused any damage, and the soreness never lasted. I just would stop massaging, and it would return to normal. I still massage, but I am careful to do it very gently. Maybe it's about the technique?

Every three days or so I've been gently massaging my scalp. The other day I even tried the "scritching" method (thanks Candy_C). I used Ayurveda oils and ReddTweetyB's Gro-Aut oils for the massages.

Ladies, my scalp is SOOOOO SOORREEE!! It's so sore and tender that it hurts tremendously.

Well, I got online and did a Google search on sore/tender scalp. The prognosis has been mixed. Some information I got is that sore/tender scalp is not a good indication. In fact, it could indicate some scalp problems. However, I came across other discussions where soreness/tenderness of the scalp indicates growth.

Has there been any scientific work done in this area that can provide some clue as what sore scalp means?

In the meantime, what should I do about the discomfort? I'm too scared to even touch my hair.:ohwell:

My scalp has felt that way before a growth spurt, so this might be a good thing :)
Have you ever tried handheld masssgers. I've just started to massage my head nightly, and I altenate between a brush that has vibrating bristles (they are plastic and I don't run the brush through my hair) and another hand held massager that was like $10 and the four ends light up (CVS, Walgreens sell them). I get the tingling feeling without the soreness...
I wouldn't want to give advice either way, but my experience has been that anything that is sore or tender it NOT a good thing, to me its a sign of injury, Ive never been one to have the tender scalp before a growth spurt so I wouldn't know, but imagine if you did something to another body part, and the next day it was swollen and tender, would you continue? Just food for thought, don't risk hurting yourself in the name of hair growth, there's a million ways to manage your growth.
Have you ever tried handheld masssgers. I've just started to massage my head nightly, and I altenate between a brush that has vibrating bristles (they are plastic and I don't run the brush through my hair) and another hand held massager that was like $10 and the four ends light up (CVS, Walgreens sell them). I get the tingling feeling without the soreness...

This is exactly what I plan to scalp cant tolerate alot of manipulation, plus the tangles would be insane. Also, I have realised that when my scalp gets sore from too much handling or I pull my bun too tight....I shed like nobody's business:nono:
Thanks, ladies! I just think that basically I'm tender-headed. I'm not massaging roughly or vigorously because I have too much NG for that and I'm also afraid of manipulating my hair or scalp too much. The soreness/tenderness has in fact died down. One thing that I've noticed since being on this Ayurvedic reggie is that my hair is surprisingly NOT dry. Usually Indian products make my hair severely dry. They are not very moisturizing.
Excuse the ignorance, but when you say "scrithing" do you guys mean scratching with nails? I watched the video with the Indian massage and I only saw the use of finger tip pads, never the nails. So if you used your nails, could you have cut your skin making it more sensitive hence sore? Just a thought.