Marcel Flat Ironing


Well-Known Member
Has anyone had their hair straightened this way? I had it done once in ATL and was amazed at the results. I can't imagine that one salon is the only place that does it, but I haven't found another one since. It combines the best of all worlds: that hot stove from the straightening comb era and the smoothness of the flat iron. Just wondering if anyone else has had this done regularly and how the hair held up. Mine was shiny and healthy for two weeks, and never dry!
I let my stylist use the marcels when I get my touch up. It's a lot of heat and it's not something I would do often but it really gets the hair silky straight and you can see the true length. I've not had a problem doing it as I don't do it often and my hair is well prepared beforehand.
I've been getting marcel presses for the past 5 yrs. I go every 3 weeks because it will last that long. In the winter I can go up to 4 weeks and my hair is past APL to BSL length. My hair makes its own oil, so I never had drying problems either.
Well, I've never had a marcel flat iron but stove press is the only way I've ever had my natural hair straightened and it's curled with marcel irons on a gas stove. Since I exercise daily, my edges do start to revert but the length doesn't revert until I wash.
I actually use marcel irons on my natural hair myself and I love it better then using my Sedu or Hana Elite. You just have to be very careful because they get really hot!
The flat iron that goes in the oven is the only way I could truly press my youngest daughter's hair and have it last. She was a highly textured 4B. Her hair look smooth and silky. The only thing is you have to be careful with letting the flat iron get hot because once she did end up with heat damage in the back of her natural hair. We had to cut it and let it grow back out. Will post a pic of the one I used
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I haven't seen Marcels since I was a little girl! I was soooo happy when I noticed flat irons becoming the norm!:lol: I was tired of getting burned by those things!
The first time I straightened as a natural was by a stylist using a marcel flat iron. In the end, I had some heat damage. I tried a new stylist and she used a ceramic flat iron. It lasted longer and I had no heat damage.
I don't trust Marcels or stylist who use Marcels because I feel there are better and much safer tools to use on the hair. I not knocking anyone who uses pressing combs or Marcels, but in my experience and opinion like curling irons they don't keep a constant temperature, so the risk of burning the hair is much greater then using a electric ceramic iron.
I had my hair straightened like this for about 3 years and I suffered major heat damage. Since then, get my hair pressed or have a flat iron ran over my hair. My hair reverts back to curly every single time I wash.
I'm on the fence with this one. The marcel irons are great but you really don't know if too much heat is being used until its too late. Its obvious when the hair is singed immediately but at other times the hair is damaged but not yet broken and you can't see the extent of the damage until days or weeks later. You have to really know what your doing. If you do then the result is better than with a ceramic flat iron. Titanium flat irons seem to give similar results though. I'd work with those if I wanted the same results. I wouldn't use them everyday though. There is something about them that gets the hair almost too straight for regular use. I'd only use those on wash days.
I prefer Marcels over plug in flat irons. It's not for everybody and you do have to be extremely careful. I can't wait to flat iron my hair at the end
of the year.
My old stylist in college only used marcels and the only reason I got heat damage was that I was going to her once (very rare occasions twice) a week to get my hair flat ironed. It was actually a very long time before my hair was damaged, and it was more harsh winter conditions & wool sweaters that got the best of my hair, but the heat finished it off.

But when she did my hair, it had more body and sheen than I ever knew possible. My GHD will never achieve such glory. Marcels are nice when used sparingly with healthy hair practices.

I use no heat these days. My heat addiction days are over.
Nothing has gotten my hair straighter then a marcel iron. Even straighter then when I would get Dominican blowout and regular flat iron jobs BUT they definitely can thin the hair and eat up your ends overtime. I used to get it done every two weeks about five or six years ago or so. I loved the silky straight results but my hair definitely thinned out. Though my hair was long, I had the Elgin Charles look going on.

Marcel irons work best on thick coarse hair that is not really chemically processed. But even in those instances, they need to be used sparingly.
Before my HHJ, the stylist I went to used marcels. I went to her from the age of 15-20. My hair was ALWAYS on point. The shine. The swang. It was amazing. My hair would last for weeks. I dont ever remember her burning my hair off with them either. She would always press them against a damp towel before she put them on my hair. This was also the same stylist that only would relax me every 6 months. And even wanted me to go natural. (I refused at that point). I didn't even realize she was texlaxing my hair until I got to hair boards. I just thought everybodys hair was still curly after a relaxer. Just a looser curl. Now that I think about it, she was a good stylist. So it's no surprise she knew her way around some marcels.
I do miss the shine I would get from marcel irons. My hair was never dull or frizzy. I'm not sure why I can't get that same shine from a regular flat iron. Even from my Sedu.
Marcels are unregulated heat. They get MUCH hotter than any plug in device. That's why they get the hair straighter.
candy626 said:
Marcel irons work best on thick coarse hair that is not really chemically processed. But even in those instances, they need to be used sparingly.

You're right about this, my hair is thick and that's why I believe I've had success with Marcels.
Sorry for bumping this very old thread but I was wondering the temperature on these marcel stoves? How hot to they get? past the 450 ceramic flat iron max?