Maintaining a Long Distance relationship....


Well-Known Member
Hi guys!! Here's the run down. I met this guy at my university who I am totally smitten with. Once he asked me to be his girlfriend everything looked to be on the up and up mainly because we were at school with each other. He is a GREAT man of God and he makes me happy daily.

My question to you ladies is: How do you maintain a Godly long distant relationship? What advice can you give to a couple trying to maintain a long distance relationship? How much talking on the phone is TOO much?

I could really use some wise advice from you guys!!
I'm not a 'rules' girl so I have no advice for you with regards to what you should and should not do but i'd say as long as you're not going against the word of God, just enjoy your relationship :). You can tell the quality of a relationship by the communication so in a long distance relationship, you might want to do more of this as you wouldn't be seeing each other everyday.

The only area I think needs addressing is the visiting arrangements ... and that is for you both to work out as every relationship is different. You need to find what works for each one so as not to flirt with temptation.
:Rose: Congratulations on your new relationship. :Rose:

Continue to seek God for guidance and to keep Him in the center of your relationship.The two most important things that you need to have are trust and communication (with God and with your boyfriend), without one you will not have the other. With communication it should be done based on how often you feel it is necessary. Besides everyday topics, you could also talk about what you learned in church or a scripture that you read. If you want to take the conversation to a deeper level, you can explain why or in what way the scripture or church service affected you.

In the beginning the communication level might be several times a day for two months, it will eventually slow down to every other day or several times a week (depending on the couple). This may seem like a bad thing but it really isn't. During the course of your communication you two will develop a bond with one another which will help to shape how much you trust each other. If he starts to call less understand that he might be really busy and trust that his feeling for you are the same. Out of everything allow the holy spirit to guide you in your periods of uncertainty.
:Rose: Congratulations on your new relationship. :Rose:

Continue to seek God for guidance and to keep Him in the center of your relationship.The two most important things that you need to have are trust and communication (with God and with your boyfriend), without one you will not have the other. With communication it should be done based on how often you feel it is necessary. Besides everyday topics, you could also talk about what you learned in church or a scripture that you read. If you want to take the conversation to a deeper level, you can explain why or in what way the scripture or church service affected you.

In the beginning the communication level might be several times a day for two months, it will eventually slow down to every other day or several times a week (depending on the couple). This may seem like a bad thing but it really isn't. During the course of your communication you two will develop a bond with one another which will help to shape how much you trust each other. If he starts to call less understand that he might be really busy and trust that his feeling for you are the same. Out of everything allow the holy spirit to guide you in your periods of uncertainty.

This is definitely what has been helping to make our relationship somewhat easier!!
Thank you for these words!! This is what I needed to hear. I was dealing with this idea recently. I am relieved to know that when communication slows or lessens that it is normal.

THANKS!! :bighug: