Made top of brastrap, now what?


New Member
Over the last year my hair has grown considerably (THANK YOU LADIES), but I'm curious-is it smooth sailing now, or should I be more careful with my hair. I straightened my hair to check the length and I'm not used to hair getting caught on my seatbelt and what not... I know, I know-a post is worth nothing without pictures-I'll take some tomorrow. See, I have a problem with reaching a goal and thinking I'm Rapunzel all of a sudden, then I wear my hair straight and then, BOOM, setbacks... Is it easier to go from bra strap to midback (that's what DH wants) than it is from sl to apl? Should I stick to bunning until June, my hair get's almost an inch per month? BTW, my "v" is filling perfectly, thanks to everyone who said to wait and not to cut my hair even...
Well seeing as I have yet to reach apl perhaps I am not the one to give advice, but here goes. I think it's okay to wear your hair out and straight but I would refrain from combing and brushing very often, kinda like Sylver2 does. hth and CONGRATULATIONS!!!
I rarely do protective styles, unless I'm being lazy. I'm just careful when I'm in the car because of seat belts. When I carry my bags, I make sure my hair doesn't get caught under the strap. I'm also careful of chairs, scarfs, etc.

I think you can let your hair down a bit more if you want and be fine.
Over the last year my hair has grown considerably (THANK YOU LADIES), but I'm curious-is it smooth sailing now, or should I be more careful with my hair. I straightened my hair to check the length and I'm not used to hair getting caught on my seatbelt and what not... I know, I know-a post is worth nothing without pictures-I'll take some tomorrow. See, I have a problem with reaching a goal and thinking I'm Rapunzel all of a sudden, then I wear my hair straight and then, BOOM, setbacks... Is it easier to go from bra strap to midback (that's what DH wants) than it is from sl to apl? Should I stick to bunning until June, my hair get's almost an inch per month? BTW, my "v" is filling perfectly, thanks to everyone who said to wait and not to cut my hair even...

I think that it becomes somewhat easier to handle because you know what to expect more or less and what your hair likes to get to longer lengths. You should definitely handle your hair more gently and protect your ends as much as possible even is that just means more moisture. Little to no manipulation is best I think. Don't know if it's easier to go from BSL to MBL than any other length, just keep doing what you are doing.
Over the last year my hair has grown considerably (THANK YOU LADIES), but I'm curious-is it smooth sailing now, or should I be more careful with my hair. I straightened my hair to check the length and I'm not used to hair getting caught on my seatbelt and what not... I know, I know-a post is worth nothing without pictures-I'll take some tomorrow. See, I have a problem with reaching a goal and thinking I'm Rapunzel all of a sudden, then I wear my hair straight and then, BOOM, setbacks... Is it easier to go from bra strap to midback (that's what DH wants) than it is from sl to apl? Should I stick to bunning until June, my hair get's almost an inch per month? BTW, my "v" is filling perfectly, thanks to everyone who said to wait and not to cut my hair even...

I think it depends on how fast you want to get to where you were going. I was always trying to find out why people had a hard time going from neck to shoulder and onward, but then I figured it out. At akward stages or times I wasn't sure what to do with my hair, I braided it up and just coasted by to the next stage. I'm now over an inch past MBL (as of Dec I'm natural so haven't done a length check since) and been here before but took some awful advice about protein and had a set back and had to cut back to shoulder length and do it all over again! So yay I'm back but I think the reason I keep getting back so fast is braiding.

If you want, alternate between some type of protective style and wearing it down. Up until Oct I was wearing it straight and pressed and then braided fifty percent of the time. I was still obtaining nice growth. I just got tired of styling all this hair so I decided to braid it to take a break and I've been doing it every since.

Finally I think that wearing it down is okay all the time. There are people who get away with it and I did it a lot last year but you have to protect those ends. I use a bit of conditioner on mine but whatever you need to do to keep them moisturized so they don't split.
Over the last year my hair has grown considerably (THANK YOU LADIES), but I'm curious-is it smooth sailing now, or should I be more careful with my hair. I straightened my hair to check the length and I'm not used to hair getting caught on my seatbelt and what not... I know, I know-a post is worth nothing without pictures-I'll take some tomorrow. See, I have a problem with reaching a goal and thinking I'm Rapunzel all of a sudden, then I wear my hair straight and then, BOOM, setbacks... Is it easier to go from bra strap to midback (that's what DH wants) than it is from sl to apl? Should I stick to bunning until June, my hair get's almost an inch per month? BTW, my "v" is filling perfectly, thanks to everyone who said to wait and not to cut my hair even...


Kidding, CONGRADULATIONS !!! :grin:
I'm in the same boat as you - at BSL and wondering "what now?" I was a bit afraid of a setback, but I'm due for my touchup soon, and so far so goo. I do it wear it down more (usually on weekends), but I'm still low mani all the way. I only comb on wash day, and keep it up in a ponytail a lot so it's not rubbing on my clothes.