
Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies!

Has this ever happened to you?

I recently started using M-T-G, which I apply at night.
Then the next morning, I've noticed greenish/yellowish splotches in different areas of my scalp.
IF I apply water or jbco, AND rub it in, they will vanish; so at least, it doesn't have to stay that way, BUT is this an indication of a big problem or is it just normal product buildup in certain areas and harmless?

The splotches do not itch.
They are not red or inflammed.
They do not hurt in any way.

Please share with me your experiences with using this product and many, many thanks for helping me to understand "if this is normal" or not.
I've used MTG in the past but I wasn't consistent. The greenish/yellow splotches may be sulfur build-up on your scalp.
Thanks Platinum!

I sure hope it's just a bit of product buildup and not an allergic reaction.
I don't use MTG but I saw those same splotches around my hairline after I applied my home-made sulphur/castor oil mix. My splotches looked almost like my skin was bleached.

Is MTG sulfur-based?
I have not used this products, but I think it's the sulfur. Do you ordinarily have dry scalp? I would suggest using the MTG every other night and use something else like coconut oil or a little olive oil on your scalp on the off days.
Hey girlie! I don't really have anything to add but want to know if you've had anything going on with your scalp since you've stopped. If not, then it definitely sounds like it wasn't affecting the skin. Most likely a residue.
I am currently using MTG and have never had that problem. I think it may be sulfur build up. Try using it every other day or every 2 days.
Hi Ladies!

Has this ever happened to you?

I recently started using M-T-G, which I apply at night.
Then the next morning, I've noticed greenish/yellowish splotches in different areas of my scalp.
IF I apply water or jbco, AND rub it in, they will vanish; so at least, it doesn't have to stay that way, BUT is this an indication of a big problem or is it just normal product buildup in certain areas and harmless?

The splotches do not itch.
They are not red or inflammed.
They do not hurt in any way.

Please share with me your experiences with using this product and many, many thanks for helping me to understand "if this is normal" or not.

No bad experiences. I'm kind of inconsistent with it.
Hmm, was it your skin... or buildup? when you wash your hair does it go away? How does it feel?

Yes, when I wash, it goes away and it really feels so normal that if I hadn't been inspecting my scalp, I wouldn't have noticed it at all!
Thanks, TheLaurynDoll for asking!

I have not used this products, but I think it's the sulfur. Do you ordinarily have dry scalp? I would suggest using the MTG every other night and use something else like coconut oil or a little olive oil on your scalp on the off days.

Yes, my scalp tends to be more dry than oily. Thanks for your suggestion, Shenitab!

Hey girlie! I don't really have anything to add but want to know if you've had anything going on with your scalp since you've stopped. If not, then it definitely sounds like it wasn't affecting the skin. Most likely a residue.

Hey NJoy! Thanks for writing with the busy day I know you have, but no hun, my scalp hasn't changed one bit since I've stopped using M-T-G.
Thanks for adding that you don't think it's affected my skin, it's just that I've never had my skin change colors like that with any other product...:perplexed

I pour out the oil and add in vatika and jojoba oil to the sulfur part and apply to the scalp and there is no build up. I used it w/ the original oil and it did not absorbed into my scalp so I had a greasy smelling scalp. I say clairify to scalp and try again and if it happens again tweek the mtg a bit so it won't leave residue on your scalp.
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By the way, what do you ladies use to clarify your scalp?

Maybe it's just a "clarifying the scalp" issue.....
You could use acv or a sulfate-free clarifying shampoo like giovanni clarifying-hydrating shampoo(i like this one b/c it doesn't leave my hair stripped but the scalp is clean). When using anything topical on your scalp, cleaning the scalp is important b/c of the residue will block any type of hair growth which will defeat the purpose of using the topical growth aid.
I don't have that issue either....i usually pour it in a top and mix essential oils to it.

Lately i bought an oil by softee from the dollar store (in applicator bottle) and poured a good amount of it into something else..then mixed in the mtg & some essential oils.

The oil (dollar store one) already has a (i'm sure) small amount of sulfur in it and when i put the mtg in ..that gives it a lil' more so i shake it up well before applying.

I start applying it around wednesdays and i try to at least apply 2-3 x before washing/dc on sunday.
Ok, wait. So I think I remember you saying that you apply it in drops or with a dropper or something. And that's where the splotches are. Are you rubbing it in at all? When I apply my sulfur mix, I use a bottle with a nozzle and sort of go behind the application and rub it in to evenly distribute it on the scalp. This keeps the sulfur from being heavily concentrated on certain spots. Maybe that's why you're seeing it as splotches.

What d'ya think? I doesn't sound like an allergic reaction since the skin's not irritated. So, that's a good thing.
I apply it about once or twice a week but I don't have this problem. But make sure you shake up the bottle well everytime your apply it. The sulfur is yellow and it settles in the bottle.
I don't use MTG but I saw those same splotches around my hairline after I applied my home-made sulphur/castor oil mix. My splotches looked almost like my skin was bleached.

Is MTG sulfur-based?

Yes, Hairsnob, M-T-G is sulfur based.
Many people are telling me it's the sulfur, so that might be why you've seen your skin change, too.
You could use acv or a sulfate-free clarifying shampoo like giovanni clarifying-hydrating shampoo(i like this one b/c it doesn't leave my hair stripped but the scalp is clean). When using anything topical on your scalp, cleaning the scalp is important b/c of the residue will block any type of hair growth which will defeat the purpose of using the topical growth aid.

Thanks, Ms.Blue!
I'm currently trying giovanni's weightless leave in moisturizing conditioner and loving it! i never knew that line ever existed before lhcf.
unfortunately, giovanni products are not so easy to find over here, but i'm going to look for the one you suggested.:rolleyes:
Mine is mixed with coconut oil and shea butter so it is thicker. I apply a very small amount to my scalp masage it in once a week after washing my hair and before roller setting. I have not had this problem and I have been using MTG since 2007. I clarify with Suave as needed.
Ok, wait. So I think I remember you saying that you apply it in drops or with a dropper or something. And that's where the splotches are. Are you rubbing it in at all? When I apply my sulfur mix, I use a bottle with a nozzle and sort of go behind the application and rub it in to evenly distribute it on the scalp. This keeps the sulfur from being heavily concentrated on certain spots. Maybe that's why you're seeing it as splotches.

What d'ya think? I doesn't sound like an allergic reaction since the skin's not irritated. So, that's a good thing.

Thanks NJoy! Yep, like you said, I was applying it with a dropper, but no, I had not been rubbing it in at all.

Somehow, I thought the oily formula would just run itself through the rest of my scalp by itself.

I'm thinking maybe it's not a bad reaction after all and that maybe I just need to rub it in more.:rolleyes:

Thanks, will try!
Mine is mixed with coconut oil and shea butter so it is thicker. I apply a very small amount to my scalp masage it in once a week after washing my hair and before roller setting. I have not had this problem and I have been using MTG since 2007. I clarify with Suave as needed.

Missigirl, thanks, do you make the mix with the coconut oil and shea butter yourself? (if so, which proportions do you use?)

By the way, your hair is lovely!
Hi Grow,
Thank you! I mix my own. I don't have actual measurements but it is about 1/4 cup of coconut oil, 40 drops of pepermint, lavendar, rosemary oil. 1 tube of monistat :lachen: ( I know what your are thinking, but it works for me).......... enough shea butter to make it solid I melt this so it will mix better , I'm thinking about 1/4 cup. I use raw shea butter and virgin coconut oil I order these online. I bought the essential oils from GNC, I got the cheap generic monistat from Freds, and MTG from Shakeys. I only use this once a week so it lasts a long time.
I hear ya with the monistat, lol!
I'm using that too but had never triedith the M-T-G.
Thanks alot for this idea!
I bet the essential oil drops help the smell of M-T-G alot!
That is the reason I use them. Not sure if they really mask the smell.... I think I have gotten use to it.:spinning:
I made some for my sister and her DH was sneeking and using it......she has got to find a new hiding place :grin: